Content: 1. An Honors Teacher Like Me: Effects of Access to Same-Race Teachers on Black Students Advanced-Track Enrollment and Performance. [Cassandra M. D. Hart] 2. Long-Run Changes in Underrepre...
Siapakah yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah? Hart menyusun daftar urut (ranking) seratus tokoh dengan argumentasi yang meyakinkan, tapi juga mengundang perdebatan. Apa alasan Hart menempatkan Nabi ...
JK 604.2 Num copies: 001....
Columbia Tristar Home Video....
Through data-based theory development, this book examines the process through which life change happens based on profiles of five participants in an adult literacy education programme. The authors exp...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Rangsangan Papilla Mammae (RPM): salah satu alternatif dalam penataan obstetri (D. Sulin) 2. Metode Kontrasepsi Alamiah: sebagai alternatif metoda kontrasepsi pada program keluarga ber...
1 CD ROM dan 2 Audio CD...
CD hilang satu...
2 Audio Cd dan 1 CD ROM...
Original release date: 24 May 2013.Director, Chris Wedge ; screenplay, James V. Hart (screenplay), William Joyce (screenplay), Daniel Shere (screenplay), Tom J. Astle (screenplay), Matt Ember (screenp...
Includes index.; + 2 CDROM...
Judul asli: 100 a ranking of the most influential persons in history (revised and update)...
JK 823.912 Num copies: 001....