Includes bibliographical references...
Includes bibliographical references At foot of t.p.: ECRE, Danish Refugee Council, The Danish Centre for HumanRights...
Includes index...
Previous ed.: 1995...
Daftar isi Patrawidya : seri penerbitan sejarah dan budaya volume 22 nomor 2, Agustus 2021: 1. Analysis of Factor Affecting return Visits: A Study on Religious Tourism of Sunan Ampel Surabaya - Moha...
Adanya wabah virus corona ini, menghambat kegiatan pembelajaran yang biasanya berlangsung secara tatap muka. Kendati begitu, pandemi ini telah mampu mengakselerasi pendidikan 4.0. yakni sistem pembela...
"A Norton professional book."Includes bibliographical references and index...
Susan Calverts name appears first on the earlier editionPrevious ed.: London : Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996Includes bibliographical references and index...
Includes indexSummary: An entry-level manual to scuba diving produced by the BritishSub-Aqua Club. The manual covers all the topics that a new diver will need to know about. Chapters cover areas such ...
A collection of 15 papers by researchers in the fieldIncludes bibliographical references and index...
Class CD 2 Units 7-12...
Bagaimanapun juga orang tua, pendidik, guru merupakan orang-orang yang turut andil menstimulasi semua aspek perkembangan anak. Asah, asih dan asuh sebagai fondasi untuk kepentingan anak. Bentuk kepedu...
Title from cover...
Originally published: New York : Atheneum, 1974 ; London : Gollancz, 1975For adolescents...
Previous ed.: 1997Includes bibliographical references and index...
Penyusunan analisis konteks pengetahuan tradisional dan ekspresi budaya tradisional ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan kebudayaan serta meningkatkan pendidikan karakter bagi generasi muda. selain itu j...
Includes index...
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Includes bibliographies and index...