As the cornerstone of society, culture must lie at the heart of sustainable policies and strategies. Yet, despite its vital importance, key questions such as: 'How has culture influenced urban develop...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Leading the creative economy: Empowering creative industries as a source of Indonesian soft power I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia 11 Strategi pengembangan kepemi...
Analisis pedaman dan studi kasus-studi kasus yang ada di buku ini kami sediakan sebagai petunjuk bagi Anda dalam membagikan karya Anda sambil mempertahankan aktivitas tersebut agar berkelanjutan. Meng...
Do you sometimes wonder what you and your school stand for? Have you ever felt that important issues lurk beneath the surface, but you lack the capacity to bring them into focus? Tilting Education wil...
This rich collection of essays offers a broad array of perspectives from prominent international ‘philosophy for/with children’ (P4wC) scholars and practitioners regarding the interface between P4...
When training and development initiatives treat learning as something that occurs as a one-time event, the learner and the business suffer. Using design thinking can help talent development profession...
Driving a shift in the way we think about entrepreneurial and teacher education, this book invites teachers to think and act as entrepreneurial innovators and lead meaningful change in everyday school...
Focusing on creating learning environments, this book explores what it means to be an innovative leader of learning and teaching in higher education. Providing practical tips and guidance to suppor...
The co-creative university has become the main driver of social and economic development stimulating internal (students and academics) and external creativity (companies and institutional environment)...
Playful Education provides a guide for you to activate the powers of play to boost your teaching practices and increase your effectiveness as an educator. Based on Virginia Axline and Garry Landrethâ€...
Design and technology is a relatively new subject compared to more traditional subjects, and during its brief existence, it has garnered widespread debate in schools. This book aims to explore some of...
Writers quotes...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masitah Shahriil & Wahid Yunianto ix Editorial Aprilia Nurul Chasanah 1-12 The Classification of Mathematical Literacy Ability in Cognitive Growth Learning Viewed from Multiple In...
Dalam 300 creative prompts pembaca diajak untuk menulis secara bebas dengan bantuan panduan dari buku ini. Penulis disediakan kategori-kategori dari penulisan buku untuk mempermudah penulisan. Seseora...
Buku ini merefleksikan dialektika keberagaman masyarakat dalam ruang publik (politik) dalam konstestasi gagasan yaitu sekularisasi, desekularisasi dan bahkan post-sekularasi yang terjadi di India dan ...
Buku ini disusun terutama untuk digunakan sebagai bahan bacaan bagi guru, mahasiswa, siswa dan masyarakat umum dengan materi Makanan dan minuman Herbal. BAB I Karakteristik Bahan Makanan Herbal: Penge...
1. Education Research Database of Indonesia (Muh. Qudrat Nugraha, Ph.D / Educational Researcher) 2. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berorientasi Model Pembelajaran Diskusi pada Pokok Bahasan Ener...
This book helps the student who has completed a beginner's course over the difficult transition to intermediate competence in the language. Although taking the recent fuctional/notational developments...
Virtual Reality in Curriculum and Pedagogy explores the instructional, ethical, practical, and technical issues related to the integration of immersive virtual reality (VR) in school classrooms. The b...
Previous ed.: London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990Includes bibliographical references and index...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Could we afford to double tourist growth performance in a year?: Adopting entrepreneurial mentality and introducing a creative breaktrough thinking in achieving...