Berisi 16 karya Anton Chekhov. Yang terdaftar dalam buku termasuk Lady with the Lapdog (Dama s sobachkoy) yang diterbitkan tahun 1899. Secara lengkap 16 cerpen yang ada dalam buku ini adalah Bet, The...
Do you sometimes wonder what you and your school stand for? Have you ever felt that important issues lurk beneath the surface, but you lack the capacity to bring them into focus? Tilting Education wil...
There are more similarities than differences between how artists and scientists work. Both ask countless questions. Both search in earnest for answers. Both are dedicated to reaching the best results....
Neuroscience for Learning and Development provides L&D professionals the tools and ideas to design and deliver effective initiatives with knowledge of how our brains process information. Using the ...
Collaborative Learning explains how to leverage the knowledge and experience of existing employees to upskill your entire workforce from within. This practical guide explains the basics of collabor...
How People Learnprovides L&D professionals a new way of thinking about learning by exploring what happens when we learn. It shows how to apply insights from neuroscience, human behaviour and artificia...
Don Kirkpatrick's groundbreaking Four Levels of Training Evaluation is the most widely used training evaluation model in the world. Ask any group of trainers whether they rely on the model's four leve...
This book is about addressing the college-choosing problem. The rankings, metrics, analytics, college visits, and advice that we use today to help us make these decisions are out of step with the prog...
ABOUT THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES IN PRINT • “One of the seminal management books of the past seventy-five years.”—Harvard Business Review This revised edition of th...
About the book Table of contents Reviews Resources About the book Change in organizations is all about people: it is people who plan, prepare for and implement change, and who are affected by it ...
So you’re ready to step into the classroom. Congratulations! First-Year Teaching For Dummies helps you sail through your first year, with tips they didn’t teach you in college. Discover your teach...
Add your voice to the podcasting revolution! The world is tuning into podcasts in larger and larger numbers. When you're ready to add your own voice to the mix, this book will help you find your niche...
As the impact of climate change has become harder to ignore, it has become increasingly evident that children will inherit futures where climate challenges require new ways of thinking about how human...
Educational Neuroscience: The Basics is an engaging introduction to this emerging, interdisciplinary field. It explains how the brain works and its priorities for learning, and shows how educational n...
Focusing on teaching and learning in educational institutions, Transforming Professional Practice in Education explores the value of enhancing dialogue to improve both professional relationships and p...
To achieve their full potential, it is essential that children develop skills to become autonomous learners, yet this skill does not come naturally to many learners. This book is a practical teaching ...
Learning for the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a richly informed argument for curricular change to educate people towards achievement and success as intelligent machine systems proliferate. Descri...
Understanding Intellectual Disability: A Guide for Professionals and Parents supports professionals and parents in understanding critical concepts, correct assessment procedures, delicate and science-...
This book examines the intersections between children, education and geography. With a particular focus on children’s geographies and geographies of education, the book draws upon cutting-edge resea...
Buku Transformasi Budaya Organisasi ini ditampilkan sebagai explicit knowledge (ilmu sekolah) berdasarkan tacit knowledge (pengalaman lapangan). Jadi apa yang disampaikan bukan berdasarkan "apa kata b...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 369-372).; History of Maluku islands and the cultural impact of Spanish's and Portuguese's occupation on the social life of the Maluku people.;...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 368-388) and index.; Thoughts of Yusuf Abul Mahasin Tajul Khalwati al-Maqassariy, 1626-1699, Indonesian ulama exiled by the Dutch during colonialism to Cape Tow...