Contents : Editors' Column : - Breaking Through Without Crashing Through (Kathy Lund Dean and Jeanie M. Forray) Articles : - If you Don't Care, Then Why Should I? The Influence of Instructor Commi...
1. Klasifikasi penyakit daun kentang dengan metode CNN dan RNN 2. Experimental investigation of the heat transfer characteristics of hybrid nanofluid AI2O3/CuO-Distilled water with the variation of c...
Daftar Isi : 1. Perkembangan dan Perubahan Rumah Gadang Nagari Kinari: dari Aspek Sejarah. 2. Minangkabau dan Negeri Sembilan dalam Lintasan Sejarah 1945-1998. 3. Peranan Syekh H. Muhammad Thaib d...
Daftar Isi : 135-139 A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 140-143 Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 144-153 Good Pratices in Instructional Process ...