This book examines the intersections between children, education and geography. With a particular focus on children’s geographies and geographies of education, the book draws upon cutting-edge resea...
Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
Theories of Early Childhood Education continues to provide a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical perspectives in early childhood education from developmental psychology to critical studi...
Gambaran sekolah-di-rumah yang populer biasanya melibatkan beberapa anak-anak yang berpakaian rapi, sopan dan disiplin yang duduk mengelilingi meja dapur, sambil mengerjakan daftar ejaan, tabel perkal...
JK 942.2792 Num copies: 001....
Pam Burnard and Regina Murphy, with Emily Akuno, James Biddulph, Deborah Blair, Jenny Boyack, Marcelo Giglio, Gillian Howell, Kathryn Marsh, Alex Ruthmann, Rena Upitis, and Jane Wheeler....
Includes bibliographical references (p. 620-656) and indexes.;...
Laporan ini mengkaji di mana pendidikan menemukan dirinya sekarang, antara janji masa lalu yang belum terpenuhi dan masa depan yang tidak pasti. Laporan ini menegaskan bahwa dierlukan pembaruan pendid...
Frankenstein berkisah tentang Victor, seorang ilmuwan Swiss, yang lahir di Jenewa (Geneva) dan dibesarkan orang tuanya untuk memahami dunia lewat ilmu pengetahuan. Ketika kanak-kanak, ia melihat petir...
Columbia Tristar Home Video....
Helping Parents Navigate the Early Childhood Education Enrollment Process: Experimental Evidence From New Orleans Lindsay Weixler, Jon Valant, Daphna Bassok, Justin B. Doromal, Alica Gerry School...
JK FICTION Num copies: 002....
Published in association with Penguin BooksSummary: One of a series of simplified educational editions written forlearners of English as a foreign languagefor ELT intermediate readership...
Public Administration Evolving: From Foundations to the Future demonstrates how the theory and practice of public administration has evolved since the early decades of the twentieth century. Each chap...
First published: 1991...
Includes bibliographical references....
contents 1. the state of e-legal deposit in france: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future (Peter Stirling, Gildas Illien, Pascal Sanz and sh...
Editorial : 1. The long-tail of global engagement and international librarianship ( Steven W. Witt ) Articles : 1. Internship in LIS education : An international perspective on experiental learning...