Daftar isi : 1. Kajian Bahasa AS Sebagai Bahasa yang Hampir Punah di Distrik Makbon, Sorong, Papua Barat (The Study of As Language as One of Endangered Languages in Makbon District, Sorong, West Papu...
Daftar Isi : 1. Akomodasi Bahasa di Pulau Miangas: Kajian Bahasa di Wilayah Perbatasan Indonesia-Filifina (The Acomodation of Language in Miangas Island: Studies of Language in Area Border Crossing ...
Hasil Penelitian : 1. Oriental : Budaya Indis dalam Tetralogi Pulau Buru Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer (Oriental: Indis Culture in the Study of Buru Tetralogy by Pramoedya Ananta Toer), (Puji Retno Har...
Daftar isi: 1. Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Tae’ (The Form, Function, and Meaning of Euphemism in Tae’ Language) (Jusmianti Garing) 2. Fungsi dan Makna Na Dalam Bahasa Makassa...
Daftar isi: 1. Pertimbangan Selera-Bahasa Konsumen dalam Pembuatan Iklan Televisi Nasional (Consideration Consumer Taste of Language in Making of National Televison Advertising) (Sriyanto) 2. Penggu...
Hampir 70% pasien kanker yang berobat ke rumah sakit berada dalam kondisi lanjut. Presentase tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa pasien kanker di Indonesia dalam tahap penyembuhannya sulit ditangani secara...
Summary: This series of readers offers support to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and moderntitles, and fact and fiction. There are full colou...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
Buku ini mengingatkan atas pentingnya kesadaran dan kewaspadaan terhadap fenomena, baik disrupsi dari sisi teknologi Big Data dan AI, maupun sisi gelapnya seperti transaksi data ilegal hasil pembobola...
The National Curriculum focuses on promoting reading for pleasure and engaging pupils using a range of diverse and inclusive texts and materials. This text supports trainee teachers working towards pr...
Buku ini berisi penjabaran industri-industri yang sedang dirintis di beberapa negara dan akan menjadi industri yang menjanjikan di masa depan, setidaknya sepuluh tahun ke depan, seperti industri robot...
Essential Manager's Manual is a comprehensive guide to the most important areas of business life, covering interpersonal and professional skill vital to those who hold, or seek to hold, management pos...
This clearly written and fully illustrated guide provides the means to identify over 160 rocks and minerals found throughout the world. The comprehensive introduction provides a steo-by-step guide to ...
Audio scripts...
Previous ed.: London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990Includes bibliographical references and index...
Globalization; Science education; Science curricula; Large scale international assessments; Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey; TIMSS; Policy borrowing; Curriculum reform; IEA Rese...
Previous ed.: 1997Includes bibliographical references and index...