Daftar isi 1. 409/announcing the new editors-in-cheif for science education John L. Rudolph 2. 410/scientific argumentation for all? comparing teacher beliefs about argumentarion in high, mid, a...
Editorial : 1. A Forum for the Science Education Community's Continual Self-Renewal ( Sherry A. Southerland and John Settlage ) Research Articles : 1. Development of an Empirically Based Learning ...
Contents : Editor's Corner : - From Persona Non Grata to Mainstream: The Use of Film in Management Teaching as an Example of How the Discipline of Management Education Is Changing (Jon Billsberry) ...
Contents : Editor's Corner : Jane Schmidt-Wilk Articles : - Are Universities Creating Millennial Narcissistic Employees? An Empirical Examination of Narcissism in Business Students and Its Implica...
Editorial Editorial Introduction (John Haman) Articles This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global Connectivity as ...
Guest Editors' Corner : 1. Enhancing the Circle of Life: Management Education and Indigenous Knowledge (Dale E. Fitzgibbons and Maria Humphries) Articles : Environmental Responsibility: A Tale of T...
Daftar artikel : 1. Student Incivility: A Domain Review (Lisa A. Burke, Katherine Karl, Joy Peluchette and W. Randy Evans) 2. Preference for Anonymous Classroom Participation: Linking Student Charac...
Buku ini dilengkapi CD Book...
Bibliography: p397-418...
JKVID FICTION Num copies: 001....
4 Front Video....
Buku ini merupakan buku Terobosan Kemdikbud dalam menyiapkan generasi emas di tahun 2045...
3 DVD set...
Original release date: 13 Dec 2013.Director, Peter Jackson ; screenplay, Fran Walsh (screenplay), Philippa Boyens (screenplay), Peter Jackson (screenplay), Guillermo del Toro (screenplay), J.R.R. Tolk...
As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from th...