The invitation to serve as Minister of Education and lead a bold and significant reform of an education system never comes with an instruction manual. Leading such an opportunity effectively, requires...
Beberapa instrumen kebijakan moneter berdasarkan prinsip Islam telah diperkenalkan di berbagai negara untuk mengelola peredaran uang. Penggunaan instrumen moneter ini pun terus berkembang dari waktu k...
Buku ini membahas improvisasi model kombinasi MD5 dengan string pengolah kata pada pemrograman untuk memberi keamanan terhadap database. Keberadaan database sangat rawan dengan injeksi dan penyusupan ...
This is our memoir as foreigners in the land of Tenganan Pagringsingan. This memoir of the eye and of life in honing the sensitivity of mind and feeling, in exploring the vast field within the body....
1. Whiteness as a Dissonant State: Exploring One White Male Student Teacher's Experiences in Urban Contexts 2. Developing Preservices Teacher's Instructional Design Skills Through Case-Based Instruct...
Teak at Mala Ayer Forest Reserve Plantations, Perlis, Malaysia. Tapering trunks reach for the sky in a crown of sparse verdure rejoicing in the morning sun....
Includes bibliographical references....
Theme: 1. I Think I Can 2. Away We Grow...
How to Teach Pronounciation is a guide to the theory of pronounciation and to the practical skills required in its teaching. This book is appropriate tor teachers of English at an early stage in their...
Daftar isi Jurnal Aksara: 1. Tembang Sandur Bojonegoro: Kekerasan BUdaya dan Arkeologi-Genealogi Pengetahuan 2. Motif Kargoisme dalanm Cerita Rakyat Fakfak: Sebuah Pendekatan Antropologi Sastra 3. ...
This cookbook has collected 120 recipes from around the world, using a variety of ingredients and cooking methods. All of the recipes are easy to follow, with step-by-step instructions and full-colour...
Menceritakan tentang seorang ayah dengan dua anak. Setelah istrinya meninggal ia harus menghidupi kedua anaknya. Bersyukur ia menadapatkan pekerjaan di suatu perusahaan/pabrik kimia, walaupun akhirnya...
When in Britain is a task-based providing a variety of communicative ativities for students who have already studied English for two or more years. its aim is to improve communicative skills, in parti...
The Prisoner of Zenda adalah novel petualangan tahun 1894 karya Anthony Hope, yang menceritakan tentang Raja Ruritania yang dibius pada malam penobatannya sehingga tidak dapat menghadiri upacara terse...