Dongeng-dongeng yang terdapat dalam buku berjudul "Kumpi Mangku Mendongeng" karya Made Taro merupakan revitalisasi cerita lisan yang telah membumi di Bali. Ia kemas cerita lisan Bali kembali dalam sti...
This collection displays his lively diversity, with tales that vary in theme and tone, ranging from tragegy and satire to comedy and farce. He portrays the deceptions, hypocrisies and vanities of soc...
Indonesia Now & Beyond is an expression of social responsibility on the part of all who contribute to realizing this annual project. Touched by our mission to tell the world about the beautiful side o...
Old c/n: 0194216578....
Link id: 145076 Old c/n: 0435271725...
Summary: This series of readers offers support to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and moderntitles, and fact and fiction. There are full colou...
Previous ed.: 1992...
First published: 1989...
JK 428.75 Num copies: 010.Level : General...
This ed. originally published, 1993...
Old c/n: 0582533465....
Previous ed.: 1989...
Old c/n: 0435271970...
Old c/n: 019421639x....
Previous ed.: 1995...
This publication has been produced by Universities UK, the representative organisation for the UK's universities. Founded in 1918, its mission is to be the definitive voice for all universities in the...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning, encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning. encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...
Interchange Third Edition is a fully revised edition of New Interchange, the world's most successful English series for adult and young adult learners. Each unit includes up-to-date content, additiona...
Calon Arang is a folklore from Bali. Calon Arang had a sole daughter named Ratna Manggali. They lived in Girah Village, in Daha Kingdom, which was ruled by king Erlangga. Calon Arang prossessed a very...
Original release date: 19 Jul 2013.Director, James Wan ; screenplay, Chad Hayes, Carey Hayes.Starring Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Lili Taylor, Ron Livingston.Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine...
Spektroskopi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi antara cahaya atau radiasi elektromagnetik dengan materi. Secara umum spektroskopi dibagi men jadi 2 bagian, yaitu spektroskopi yang melibatkan tran...