32. photographs by maggie steber 58. photographs by amy toensing 76. photographs by michael melford 96. photographs by david liittschwager 112. photographs by william albert allard 140. photo by ...
1. The polygamists 2. One cubic foot 3. Patagonia's peril 4. Hubble renewed 5. Curious chimps...
1. King james bible 2. Cry for the tiger 3. Big cat politics 4. Japan's red zone 5. Upstart galaxies 6. Urban solution...
Editorial 432 Core teaching practices: addressing both social justice and academic subject matter Gail Richmond [at all] Articles 435 Implementing instructional practices to improve American India...
Daftar Artikel: Special Issue : Religion, Media, and Culture Co-editor : Jenna Supp-Montgomerie Editorial Interfolding Religion and Media Articles The Church Made Me Do It : Identity and Apology...
edited by Jim Hordern and Catherine Simon....
[edited by] David J. Flinders and Stephen J. Thornton....
CONTENTS Research Articles - What Do We Mean by Science Education for Civic Engagement ?: John L. Rudolph and Shusaku Horibe Published online 22 December 2015 in Wiley Online Library - The Dev...
Unsur-unsur gotik dalam nove; penunggu jenazah by abdullah harahap (adam darmawan) Konstruksi gender dalam novel utsukushisa to kanashimi to karya yasunari kawabata (anastasia dewi wulandari) Kemati...
Buku ini dilengkapi CD nomor barcode 000130890...
Includes bibliographical references and index...
First published: 1995Includes bibliographical references and index...
Robert Coe ; [edited by] Robert Coe, Michael Waring, Larry V Hedges....
edited by Martin D. Ruck Michele Peterson-Badali, and Michael Freeman....
edited by Larisa V. Shavinina....
edited by Kristina Powers and Patrick J. Schloss....
Donalyn Miller with Susan Kelley ; foreword by Teri S. Lesesne....
by David Kirk Dirlam....
1. Pengaruh Model Pengajaran Induktif Kata Bergambar terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman (Jolanda Tomasouw) 2. Model Pembelajaran Jejaring Sosial pada Pelaj...
edited by Drew H. Gitomer and Courtney A. Bell....
edited by Masashi Tsujimoto and Yoko Yamasaki....
edited by Bernice L. Murphy....