This fourth edition of Museum Basics has been produced for use in the many museums worldwide that operate with few professional staff and limited resources. The fourth edition has been fully updated t...
How should curriculum designers translate abstract learning outcomes into engaging learning experiences that get results? What is the right balance between depth and breadth or between content and ski...
Strongly grounded in research and rich with practical examples for educators, this book demonstrates the importance and benefits of kinaesthetic learning in young children’s learning and development...
Do you sometimes wonder what you and your school stand for? Have you ever felt that important issues lurk beneath the surface, but you lack the capacity to bring them into focus? Tilting Education wil...
Foundations of Educational Technology offers a fresh, interdisciplinary, problem-centered approach to educational technology, learning design, and instructional systems development. As the implementat...
Table of Contents: 1. Forewords 2. The EU Worldwide 3. EU & Indonesia 4. Sustainable and Inclusive Prosperity 5. Green Transition 6. Human Development, Peace, and Governance 8. Connectivity...
Buku ini merupakan perwujudan dari komitmen dan kerja sama berbagai pihak, yaitu penulis, penelaah, editor, layouter, ilustrator, dan sejumlah pihak lain yang terlibat sejak awal perencanaan, penulisa...
Logistik dapat menentukan maju mundurnya perekonomian suatu negara. Negara yang memiliki indikator kinerja logistik yang tinggi, kecenderungannya memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kualitas pembangunan ...
Educational technology is now ubiquitous in schooling, both in P-12 and at universities. Despite the imposition of technology in most aspects of teaching and learning, little attention has been given ...
This book provides the basics of student self-assessment and implementation challenges, and it offers practical solutions and examples for navigating the use of student self-assessment in various subj...
This book considers how the main doctoral awarding countries from across the globe examine doctoral degrees. It compares and contrasts their approaches, comments on their robustness, and identifies ex...
This useful guide for students combines all the guidance, advice and key tips needed to write successful research reports, theses or dissertations, exploring, in detail, each of the elements involved ...
This rich collection of essays offers a broad array of perspectives from prominent international ‘philosophy for/with children’ (P4wC) scholars and practitioners regarding the interface between P4...
At The MTPT Project we know that teaching can be a sustainable career choice for parents, and in this essential handbook, we show you how. Supported by case studies celebrating the best that the fa...
Educators will have a vital role to play in the rapidly emerging artificial intelligence revolution. Humanity and technology are teaming up to unleash a brand-new world of possibilities filled with...
Since it was first published, LIS students and professionals everywhere have relied on Miller's authoritative manual for clear instruction on the real-world practice of metadata design and creation. N...
Women in STEM are constantly facing new challenges every day. By sharing their stories and the ways in which they already have and continue to overcome these hurdles, they can help others find the str...
Artificial intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the internet, or even electricity. It’s bound to change education. (It already has.) But how? AI for Educators is a readable ...
A comprehensive guide to support, challenge and develop understanding of evidence-based teaching. Trainee teachers need to understand what is meant by ?evidence based teaching? and how this influ...
This isn't your average teaching book. With a fun, comic-book-inspired layout, Teaching Is for Superheroes! skips the information overload and gives you practical action steps for igniting enthusiasm ...
Teachers are now expected to use technology to enhance students’ learning, but what does this mean in the classroom and how can you apply it effectively to subject teaching? This book, for pre-serv...
There are more similarities than differences between how artists and scientists work. Both ask countless questions. Both search in earnest for answers. Both are dedicated to reaching the best results....
Learning is no longer an activity or luxury that only occurs at specific stages in your life or career. With the digital revolution, learning has become immediate, real-time, and relevant whether youâ...
The future of professional learning starts here. The curriculum-based professional learning detailed here enables teachers to deepen their understanding of the essential components of successful cu...
Developments in AI, robotics and big data are changing the nature of education. Yet the implications of these technologies for the teaching profession are uncertain. While most educators remain convin...
A learning culture is essential to outperform the competition but how can Learning and Development (L&D) professionals achieve this? What habits do they need to develop in their workforce? Learning...