Educational technology is now ubiquitous in schooling, both in P-12 and at universities. Despite the imposition of technology in most aspects of teaching and learning, little attention has been given ...
Based on practical experiences and empirical research, Making Sense of Academic Conferences offers an introduction to the world of academic conferences. This accessible text also includes material to ...
Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
Bibliographical references: p[293]-301. - Includes index...
Bab I Pendahuluan a. Tinjauan umum b. Lokasi Bab II Survei a. Situs kalianda b. Situs pugungharjo c. Situs air ringkih d. Situs bungin e. Situs batujaya dimuarajaya f. Situs jabung ...
Siapakah yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah? Hart menyusun daftar urut (ranking) seratus tokoh dengan argumentasi yang meyakinkan, tapi juga mengundang perdebatan. Apa alasan Hart menempatkan Nabi ...
DAFTAR ISI: A. Pendahuluan B. Pelatihan 4 jam C. Pelatihan 8 jam D. Pelatihan 16 jam E. Pelatihan 24 jam F. Pelatihan 32 jam G. Pelatihan 40 jam...
Pam Burnard and Regina Murphy, with Emily Akuno, James Biddulph, Deborah Blair, Jenny Boyack, Marcelo Giglio, Gillian Howell, Kathryn Marsh, Alex Ruthmann, Rena Upitis, and Jane Wheeler....
"A Norton professional book."Includes bibliographical references and index...
Menceritakan tentang kehidupan pasangan muda yang hidup hedonis pada masa awal musik Jazz di tahun 1920 an. Link id: 145124 Old c/n: 0435272292...
Tanah adalah tempat alami untuk semua tanaman terestrial, mengembangkan akar dalam tanah yang menjangkarkannya di dalam tanah, serta menyerap air, oksigen dan unsur hara dari dalam tanah melalui siste...
The aim of this book is to help you to appreciate the book you are studying by providing information about it by suggesting ways of reading and thinking about it which will lead to a fuller understand...
An Introduction to Distance Education is a comprehensive look at the field of distance education, outlining current theories, practices, and goals that are essential to effective design, delivery, and...
with 3 audio cd...
Using the lenses of realism, liberalism, the English School and constructivism, this book explains how the divisions and differences in African identities affect African international politics. This b...