Through data-based theory development, this book examines the process through which life change happens based on profiles of five participants in an adult literacy education programme. The authors exp...
Keputusan Deputi I LKPP Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 tentang standar Dokumen Pemilihan Melalui tender, seleksi, dan tender cepat untuk pengadaan barang/jasa lainnya/jasa konsultasi....
This book seeks to help understand how governments can be encouraged to perform better and how state capabilities can be developed in ways that allow markets and democracies to flourish. The contribut...
Bali The Journey in Heaven on Earth is a collection of poems that conveys messages of hope, love and admiration for the island of Bali. This compilation is filled with poems that carry profound meanin...
Wong Pinter delineates significant connectivity between Javanese shamanism and Asian or Southeast Asian shamanism. It also describes various aspect of shamanism practices in Java and assesses the sust...
Initiative is a general English course which meets the needs of more advanced learners. It is particularly suitable for students pursuing English as part of their academic studies. With its focus on r...
Initiative is a general English course which meets the needs of more advanced learners. It is particularly suitable for students pursuing English as part of their academic studies. With its focus on r...
International Express is a two-level general English course for working adults at pre-intermediate and intermediate level. It has been designed to meet the practical language needs of professional adu...
Didalam forum Seminar itulah dipersembahkan hasil penelitian para sejarawan, dan mereka memanfaatkannya un tuk mempertajam konsep, menyempurnakan metode dan metodologi untuk mempertinggi kemampuan men...
Interchange Third Edition is a fully revised edition of New Interchange, the world's most successful English series for adult and young adult learners. Each unit includes up-to-date content, additiona...
"Longman English Works" is a short, general course designed to take adult beginners to pre-intermediate level. Consisting of 16 four-page units, it is intended to be of use to those wanting rapid resu...
"Longman English Works" is a short, general course designed to take adult beginners to pre-intermediate level. Consisting of 16 four-page units, it is intended to be of use to those wanting rapid resu...
"Longman English Works" is a short, general course designed to take adult beginners to pre-intermediate level. Consisting of 16 four-page units, it is intended to be of use to those wanting rapid resu...
Initiative : a course for advanced learners terdiri dari 2 audiocassete...
berdasarkan isi KTSP 2006...
Buku ini merupakan refleksi dan sumbangsih pemikiran para ulama di Pusat Kajian Politik LIPI tentang momentum epidemi yang menjadi catatan penting dalam sejarah peradaban manusia. Potongan-potongan pe...
kolaborasi glabal dari buku ini mencontohkan bagaimana edukator melakukan berbagai eksperiman unutk menyapaikan materi...
Google SketchUp adalah program grafis yang paling tepat untuk membuat desain dalam tampilan 3 dimensi. Tampilan layar kerja yang sederhana serta perintah kerja yang tidak rumit akan sangat memudahkan ...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
This book highlights decisions governments have to make about their public education system, the options they have before them and the consequences of their decisions. As well as covering issues such ...