1. The History and Future of Migrationist Explanations in the Archeology of the Eastern Woodlands with a Synthetic Model of Woodlans Period Migrations on the Gulf Coast 2. From the neolithic to thr B...
Contents : Editors' Column : - Breaking Through Without Crashing Through (Kathy Lund Dean and Jeanie M. Forray) Articles : - If you Don't Care, Then Why Should I? The Influence of Instructor Commi...
Daftar Isi: 1. Predictors of Employability of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Graduates 2. Growth Mindset in Mathematics among Ninth-Grade Students via 5Ps Learning Model ...
Editorial Taking stock: JEP, heading for a mature, middle age Carol Vincent Article Eyes wide shut: the fantasies and disavowals of education policy Matthew Clarke Steering in complex education ...
Daftar Isi: 1. Analysis of accuracy in the writing of EFL students enrolled on CLIL and non-CLIL programmes: the impact of grade and gender 2. Meaningful and Contextualised grammar instruction: what...
1. Umpatan bahasa jawa dalam Youtube Woko Channel: kajian sosiolinguistik 2. Selubung kolonial dalam tubuh Nyai Dasima karya SM Ardan: psikoanalisis lacanian 3. Rambut panjang dalam cerita rakyat Pa...
Jurnal Sangiran No. 10 tahun 2021 berisi tentang: Daftar Isi, 1. Tektonik, Lingkungan Pengedapan dan Iklim Situs Bumiayu Berdasarkan singkapan dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Tonjong dan Bumiayu, Kabupaten...
Daftar Isi: 1. Protecting or safeguarding?: the issue of intellectual property in Indonesia cultural policy 2. menghidupkan cagar budaya: menuju pelestarian cagar budaya berkelanjutan 3. urbanisasi...
Kebudayaan : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kebudayaan Daftar isi antara lain: 1.Orang Lom : Adat dan Strategi Politik 2.Strategi Komunitas Samin Mempertahankan Jati Diri 3.Konsolidasi dan Tran...
1. Diversifikasi perdesaan pada masyarakat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta: basis sosio kultural menuju ekonomi kreatif R. Rijanta 2. Tradisi sedekah bumi di punthuk setumbu desa Karangrejo, Kecamatan Bo...
1. Merawat alam: sejarah kebun raya di Indonesia. 2. Eksistensi Chen Yan Xiang: pedagang, diplomat, dan diaspora. 3. Prasasti Horrn: tinjauan epigrafis 4. Interaksi pendidikan, budaya, dan politi...
Foundations of Educational Technology offers a fresh, interdisciplinary, problem-centered approach to educational technology, learning design, and instructional systems development. As the implementat...
Subtitles; Indonesia...
This isn't your average teaching book. With a fun, comic-book-inspired layout, Teaching Is for Superheroes! skips the information overload and gives you practical action steps for igniting enthusiasm ...
Accounting education ought to prepare future professionals to enter a principles-based, rules-oriented field of activity wherein technical knowledge of accounting standards (principles, rules and deci...
Moving away from a traditional ‘one size fits all’ approach, this thesis guide encourages readers to find their own path to submission, demonstrating that the process of writing is as unique as th...