Mentalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Daftar Isi Antaralain: 1.Hedges And Boosters On Covid19.Go.Id:A Study Of Doubts And Certainly In Educational Contetnt ( Hedges And Boosters Dalam Lawan Covid19.Go...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Content: 1. Penerapan Mind Maps Und Stichworter dalam meningkatkan keterampilan Menulis wacana Bahasa Jerman di SMA Negri 4 Bantimurung-Maros [Abdul Aziz] 2. Influence of Contextual Teaching Learn...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Daftar Isi : 1. A Critical Moment in the Teaching Profession: A Discourse of Tensions 2. Plagiarism in English Language Theses in Indonesia 3. Good Pratices in Instructional Process among Current E...
Metalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa daftar isi antaralain:: 1. Showing Explicit Presence In English Research Articles: Variation Across Indonesian And British Authors (Menampilkan Kehadiran Eksplisit...
Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi sangat diperlukan manusia untuk berinteraksi. Setiap daerah mempunyai perbedaan bunyi dan makna yang beragam sehingga untuk memahaminya kita harus mempelajarinya. India ...
From Cataloguing to metadata creation is a cultural and methodological introduction to the new library context, tracing the evolution of cataloguing from early "traditional" approaches to the new meta...
The Heart of Learning memberikan panduan yang berpusat pada hati dan informasi penting untuk mengajar anak-anak kecil dan untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang mendukung dan efektif. Buku klasik p...
Written, produced and directed by Bill Travers and James Hill....
JK 636.5 Num copies: 001....
Labyrinth : lost in reverie is a compilation of short stories baout rituals, stalkers, monsters under the bed, finding something that is loast, and more. Just grab it and feel the Goosebumps...
buku ini berisi cerita tentang acara adat petik laut yang biasa dilakukan di Banyuwangi. selain cerita mengenai acara adat petik laut, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan informasi makna dan rangkaian aca...
Buku ini dapat menjadi bahan bacaan bagi siswa Sekolah Dasar untuk memperkenalkan dan meningkatkan apresiasi siswa Sekolah Dasar terhadap keragaman budaya bangsa Indonesia, serta membentuk watak dan k...