Previous ed.: 1995Includes bibliographical references and index...
With audioscript and achievement test answer key....
Includes bibliographical reference and indexPrevious ed.: published as by Bill Coxall and Lynton Robins. Basingstoke:Macmillan, 1998...
Bibliography Includes index...
The Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy is a comprehensive account of the results of our physical and intellectual exploration of the Universe. The 1980s is an exciting period for space exploration: the earl...
The Official Book of the Indonesia National Pavilion 56th International Art Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia, Voyage trokomod Heri Dono...
The unprecedented rate of global, technological, and societal change calls for a radical, new understanding of literacy. This book offers a nuanced framework for making sense of literacy by addressing...
Previous ed.: 1994...
With audioscript and achievement test answer key....
A collection of 15 papers by researchers in the fieldIncludes bibliographical references and index...
achievement test answer key....
Daftar isi Alayasastra : jurnal ilmiah kesusastraan, volume 16 nomor 1, Mei 2020 antara lain 1. Representasi Akidah dan Syariat Islam dalam Novel I am Sarahza Karya Hanum Salsabiela dan Rangga Almahe...
Daftar isi Totobuang : jurnal ilmiah kebahasaan dan kesastraan volume 6 nomor 1 Desember 2018 antara lain: 1. Representasi Korban Kekerasan Dalam Teks Berita Daring Tribun Timur: Analisis Wacana Kri...
JKVID JUNIOR FICTI Num copies: 001....
Daftar Isi : 1. Sistem penamaan orang Bali: kajian struktur dan makna 2. Implikatur dan retorika pemakaian bahasa pada papan iklan 3. Bahasa pergaulan sehari-hari etnis Cina di Tabanan 4. Realis...
- Hubungan kompetensi tutor dalam menggunakan media belajar dengan mutu pembelajaran program pendidik anak usia dini (asep saepudin) - Pengembangan multimedia interaktif guna pemerolahan belajar ko...
Summary: This series of readers offers support to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and moderntitles, and fact and fiction. There are full colou...
The Official Book of the Indonesia National Pavilion 56th International art exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia, Voyage trokomod Heri Dono...
The official book of the Indonesia National Pavilion 56th international art exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia : Voyage trokomod Heri Dono....