The National Curriculum focuses on promoting reading for pleasure and engaging pupils using a range of diverse and inclusive texts and materials. This text supports trainee teachers working towards pr...
The book is divided into three parts. Part one explains how trees grow, how they interact with the plants and animals around them and how they are tended, harvested and converted for man's use. Part t...
This unique books records the development of the Indonesian Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry from its birth to its present dynamic state. It is the story of cooperation within a large group of ski...
Literary London is a very readable and entertaining Companion to English Literature as well as an invaluable source of information on London...
This clearly written and fully illustrated guide provides the means to identify over 160 rocks and minerals found throughout the world. The comprehensive introduction provides a steo-by-step guide to ...
1. Language Program as Ecology: a Perspective for Leadership (Martha C. Pennington and Barbara J. Hoekje) 2. The Possible Cultural Consequences for Children as They Learn to Read in English at Primar...
1. Out of order 2. Smaller and safer 3. Beyond moderates and militants 4. Bringing Israel's bomb out of the basement 5. How to handle hamas 6. Staying power 7. Russia's new nobility 8. Defend...
1. Editional: Libraries and Cultural capital. (Anne Goulding) 2. A survey of young people's reading in England: Borrowing and choosing books. (Sally Maynard, Sophie Mackay and Fiona Smyth) 3. Assess...
1. Bullying as Gendered Violence: Girls Talk of Their Classroom Experiences within a Heterogeneous Classroom (Chinedu I. O. Okeke) 2. The Involvement of Graduates Youth in Commercial Agriculture: Iss...