JKR 428.21 Num copies: 001....
edited by Kristina Powers and Patrick J. Schloss....
1. A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and classroom management programs on students' academic, behavioral, emotional, and motivational outcomes (Hanke Korpershoek dkk.) ...
Editor and Colleagues’ Corner: 1. Daring to Be Different: Unconferences, New Conferences, and Reimagined Conferences (Jon Billsberry, Amy L. Kenworthy, George A. Hrivnak, Kenneth G. Brown) Teachin...
Daftar Artikel: 1. Against Boldness (Marry M. Kennedy) 2. Learning Teaching in, front, and for Practice: What Do We Mean? (Magdalene Lampert) 3. Teacher Education and the American Future (Linda Dar...
Contents: Editor's Corner Signature Pedagogy: A Framework for Thinking about Management Education (Jane Schmidt-Wilk) Articles 1. Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award Goes to "Philosophy Rediscov...
Editor’s Corner 1. Passion and Purpose (Jane Schmidt-Wilk) Articles 1. Understanding Organizational Culture and Communication through a Gyroscope Metaphor (Ryan S. Bisel Amber S. Messersmith Jo...
Content: Editor's Corner Going Abroad (Jane Schmidt-Wilk Articles 1. Three Maodels for Short-Term Study Abroad (Daniel Sachau, Niel Brasher, and Scott Fee) 2. Developing Emotinal Awareness in ...
CONTENTS EDITORIAL - Pioneering the JRST Doctoral Student Mentored Reviewer Initiative: Bolstering the Contributions of a Top-Tier Research Journal to Graduate Education: Fouad Abd-El-Khalick and ...