1. Alang-alang, potret marjinalisasi perempuan manula pada komunitas nelayan jawa (Atik triratnawati) 2. Pengaruh kemaritiman pada dunia batik pekalongan (Chusnul hayati) 3. Menggagas perekonomian m...
Daftar Isi : 1. Interoretasi Hermeneutik Puisi Pembidas Karya 2. Makna Topik 'Warisan' Dalam Unggahan Facebook Afi Nihaya Faradisa: Analisis Wacana Kritis 3. Budaya Jawa Dalam Novel MArs Karya Aish...
Special issue: strengthening the connections between classroom and large-scale assessments Making measurement important for education: the crucial role of classroom assessment Mark Wilson Using lea...
- Devolving authority : public secondary school’s perception and response to scholl-based management policy in Indonesia (Bambang Sumintono, Nora Mislan,Lokman Mohd. Tahir, and Hamdan Said - The de...
A thought-provoking examination of history, political influences, and the implications of global trends that ultimately reveals a brighter future for all of humankind. Globalization and its impact on ...
English on sky oncourage the student to develop their overall competence starting with their speaking skill, as suggested by the curriculum...
Demand for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia has been growing extensively, involving various involvement from industry and academia. Research related to the improvemen...
In this book Oran Young extends and generalizes his earlier work on international environmental regimes to present a comprehensive account of the current status and future prospects of regimen theory ...
Buku ini terbatas pada eksperimen bidang struktur bahan bangunan yaitu struktur beton bertulang, struktur baja, struktur kayu. struktur batu bata atau bata ringan atau struktur komposit. Walaupun cont...
Buku ini merupakan prosiding pelaksanaan Seminar Internasional yang diselenggarakan Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Maluku pada tahun 2020. Prosiding ini berisikan 28 makalah yang telah dipaparkan pada saat pe...
The Official Book of the Indonesia National Pavilion 56th International art exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia, Voyage trokomod Heri Dono...
The official book of the Indonesia National Pavilion 56th international art exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia : Voyage trokomod Heri Dono....
Multimedia pembelajaran adalah hasil integrasi dengan menggunakan komputer dari teks, grafika, gambar, video, animasi, suara atau audio, dan media-media lainnya yang digunakan untuk menampilkan, menyi...
Buku ini secara ringkas dan jelas memberikan panduan bagi guru agar secara kreatif dapat merancang dan membuat multimedia pembelajaran yang menarik dengan menggunakan berbagai konten, fasilitas, dan s...
This book provides a significant contribution to the increasing conversation concerning the place of big data in education. Offering a multidisciplinary approach with a diversity of perspectives from ...
Most questions commonly asked about international politics are ethical ones, Should the international community intervene in Bosnia What do we owe the starving in Somalia? What should be done about th...
This book seeks to help understand how governments can be encouraged to perform better and how state capabilities can be developed in ways that allow markets and democracies to flourish. The contribut...