1. Pertunjukan sastra lisan wayak masyarakat lampung barat (Armina) 2. Manifestation of politeness and affective system in linguistic forms: addres terms in javanese (Bambang kartono) 3. Citraan sub...
Daftar Isi 1. Kajian Tagmemik Layering, Level Skipping, dan Back Looping dalam Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah (Soeparno) 2. Pengaruh Kapasitas Intelegensi Melalui Menyimak dan Membaca terhadap Prestasi Belaj...
1. Kekerabatan Bahasa Tamuan, Waringin, Dayak Ngaju, Kadorih, Maanyan, dan Dusun Lawangan (Elisten Parulian Sigiro) 2. Campur Kode Bahasa Dayak Ngaju, dan Bahasa Indonesia pada Kicauan Twitter Remaja...
Florence R. Sullivan....
1. Struktur Melodik Bahasa Indonesia (Sugiyono) 2. Language Choice Performed by Javanese Children and Teenagers at Kalasan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta Indonesia (Agus Wijayanto) 3. Social Impacts of the...
Editor and Colleagues’ Corner: 1. Daring to Be Different: Unconferences, New Conferences, and Reimagined Conferences (Jon Billsberry, Amy L. Kenworthy, George A. Hrivnak, Kenneth G. Brown) Teachin...
Guest Editors Corner Educating Students to Prepare for and Respond to Crises That Affect Organizations: An Introduction to the Special Issue (Debra R. Comer) Articles Imagining an Education in Cris...
Contents: Guest Editors’ Corner Technology as the Enabler of a New Wave of Active Learning (Keith Rollag, Jon Billsberry) Articles 1. Instructional Design, Active Learning, and Student Perfor...
Content: Editor's Corner Going Abroad (Jane Schmidt-Wilk Articles 1. Three Maodels for Short-Term Study Abroad (Daniel Sachau, Niel Brasher, and Scott Fee) 2. Developing Emotinal Awareness in ...
Contents : Special Issue: Threshold Concepts in Management Education: Research, Teaching and Learning Guest Editors’ Corner : - Threshold Concepts in Theory And Practice (April L. Wright and Paul...
Daftar Artikel: Editorials Editor's Introduction Shawn Harmsen Guest Introduction to the 40th Anniversary Issue : Manifestos, Web Pages, and Continuities in Criticality Ed McLuskie Articles Po...
Editors' Column : Broadening Our Frame to Enrich the Sotl Conversation Kathy Lund Dean and Jeanie M. Forray Reasearch Articles : "Pradigm Change" or No Real Change At All? A Critical Reading of the U...
Contents : Editor's Corner : Jane Schmidt-Wilk Articles : - Are Universities Creating Millennial Narcissistic Employees? An Empirical Examination of Narcissism in Business Students and Its Implica...
Editor: 1. A Round Peg in a Round Hole: Intentionality in Publication “Fit” (Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie M. Forray) Research Article: 1. Identifying Research Topic Development in Business and Mana...
Contents : Special issue: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise? Educating Management Students about Stress, Performance and Wellness Guest Editors' Corner : - The Integrative Nature of Stress, Performance, an...