CONTENTS Research Articles - What Do We Mean by Science Education for Civic Engagement ?: John L. Rudolph and Shusaku Horibe Published online 22 December 2015 in Wiley Online Library - The Dev...
Daftar isi 1. 625/promoting students' attention to argumentative reasoning patterns Andy R. Cavagnetto and Kenneth J. Kurts published online 29 april 2016 2. 645/teachers' pedagogical design ca...
- Deteksi daerah tercemar lumpur asam menggunakan data landsat-7 ETM berdasarkan suhu permukaan tanah (sayidah sulma,junita monika pasaribu, dan Nanik Suryo Haryani) - Perbandingan antara marine ac...
1. Facebook dan ketuntasan bimbngan virtual dalam mencetak ilmuwan masa depan (Deni Dermawan) 2. Pengembangan media classroom blogging untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep TIK siswa (Dedi R...
- John Locke on Character Building (Daya Negri Wijaya) - Pendidikan Karakter dan Multikultural : Pilar-pilar Pendidikan dan Kebangsaan di Indonesia (Maryaeni) - Kemahiran Insaniah dalam Proses Penga...
Keith Turvey, John Potter, Jeremy Burton....
1. A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and classroom management programs on students' academic, behavioral, emotional, and motivational outcomes (Hanke Korpershoek dkk.) ...
1. Struktur Melodik Bahasa Indonesia (Sugiyono) 2. Language Choice Performed by Javanese Children and Teenagers at Kalasan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta Indonesia (Agus Wijayanto) 3. Social Impacts of the...
Subtitle : English, Traditional Chinese, Bahasa, Malay...
Daftar Isi: 1. Psy-Zing up the Mainstreaming of "Gangnam Style": Embracing Asian Masculinity as Neo-Minstrelsy? (Michael K. Park) 2. "I Am Super Straight and I Prefer you be Too": Construction of He...
When principal Joe Clark (Morgan Freeman) takes over decaying Eastside High School, he's faced with students wearing gang colors and graffiti-covered walls. Determined to do anything he must to turn t...
Daftar isi 1. 409/announcing the new editors-in-cheif for science education John L. Rudolph 2. 410/scientific argumentation for all? comparing teacher beliefs about argumentarion in high, mid, a...
Contents: Editor's Corner Signature Pedagogy: A Framework for Thinking about Management Education (Jane Schmidt-Wilk) Articles 1. Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award Goes to "Philosophy Rediscov...
Daftar Artikel: Special Issue : The Mediated Political and Cultural Battle Over LGBTQ Equality Editorial Editor's Instroduction Shawn Harmsen Guest ESSAY Reflections on the Recent History and N...
Editorial : 1. A Forum for the Science Education Community's Continual Self-Renewal ( Sherry A. Southerland and John Settlage ) Research Articles : 1. Development of an Empirically Based Learning ...