Buku ini memuat uraian Ki Hadjar Dewantara sebagai penjelasan mengenai asas dan dasar Taman Siswa...
50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world's finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley...
Buku cerita dwibahasa ini disusun penerjemahan menghadirkan buku-buku hebat yang merupakan produk diplomasi kebahasaan untuk program Penginternasionalan Bahasa Indonesia yang mengajak pembaca untuk be...
The future of professional learning starts here. The curriculum-based professional learning detailed here enables teachers to deepen their understanding of the essential components of successful cu...
Don Kirkpatrick's groundbreaking Four Levels of Training Evaluation is the most widely used training evaluation model in the world. Ask any group of trainers whether they rely on the model's four leve...
Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning—if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cogniti...
The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. Th...
With answers key With resource bank...
With test file...
With talk business...
Driving a shift in the way we think about entrepreneurial and teacher education, this book invites teachers to think and act as entrepreneurial innovators and lead meaningful change in everyday school...
Based on practical experiences and empirical research, Making Sense of Academic Conferences offers an introduction to the world of academic conferences. This accessible text also includes material to ...
This book examines the intersections between children, education and geography. With a particular focus on children’s geographies and geographies of education, the book draws upon cutting-edge resea...
Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran sains dan teknologi merupakan upaya yang tidak dapat ditunda-tunda lagi sejalan dengan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi siswa saat ini. Untuk menyiapkan siswa memilik...
Penyiaran Islam ke Nusantara tidak memiliki catatan historis yang memadai, kecuali asumsi dari para ahli . Adanya kesepakatan terhadap pemahaman proses islamisasi di Indonesia menjadi dasar dalam mema...
Themes: 1. Kindness 2. Let's explore 3. Around the Town...
Old c/n: 0412354802....
Curzon Video....
Previous ed.: 1995...