1. Pemerolehan fonologis pada anak usia 0-2 tahun (R. Hery Budiono) 2. Gaya dan strategi belajar bahasa (Diplan) 3. Makna simbolis pada rumah betang: arsitektur dayak Kalimantan Tengah yang berbasis...
1. Bentuk-bentuk sintaktik sederhana dalam tuturan anak (R. Hery Budhiono) 2. Sasana kayau: puisi lisan khas Kalimantan Tengah yang hampir punah (J.J. Kusni) 3. Wujud karakter sentral dalam kekohes...
1. Identifikasi bentuk, fungsi, dan makna reduplikasi bahasa sasak dialek [a-a] di desa anggaraksa kecamatan pringgabaya (Deny prasetiawan) 2. Analisis kesamaan rumpun bahasa BI dan malagasi sebagai ...
Special issue: strengthening the connections between classroom and large-scale assessments Making measurement important for education: the crucial role of classroom assessment Mark Wilson Using lea...
Menggali Konteks Data Arkeologis, Paleontologis pada penyelamatan temuan pelvis proboscidae di Bukuran. h.1 (Marlia Y. R., Febri Wijanarko, Pipit Puji L., Rindi Gita W., Yudha Herprima I. B.). Lingku...
pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan merupakan bagian integrak=l dari pendidikan secara keseluruhan, oleh karena itu pendidikan melalui aktivitas fisik ini diharapkan akan menumbuhkan sikap spri...
Judul Asli: Tear of the Giraffe...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning, encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...
This book provides a significant contribution to the increasing conversation concerning the place of big data in education. Offering a multidisciplinary approach with a diversity of perspectives from ...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning. encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...
Buku Fraktur Torakolumbal ini ditulis dengan latar belakang bahwa pemahaman mengenai fraktur Torakolumbal sangat diperlukan. Buku ini disajikan dengan menarik berdasarkan pengamatan dari berbagai sumb...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
Jika hardskill atau keahlian teknis terus berkembang dan banyak dipelajari, lain halnya dengan keahlian yang dinamakan interpersonal skill yang merupakan pengetahuan perihal caranya manusia berkomunik...
This book is a call to action. It is about inspiring schools and school districts to commit to continuous school improvement by providing a framework that will result in improving teaching for every t...
The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders applies the wisdom and evidence of the Visible Learning research to understand what works best. Spanning topics from school climate at a distance, lea...
Best practices currently advocate that education professionals consult and collaborate with colleagues across disciplines as a means of providing students and their families a comprehensive, developme...
This book provides a significant contribution to the increasing conversation concerning the place of big data in education. Offering a multidisciplinary approach with a diversity of perspectives from ...
This book is a practical resource that helps campus administrators evaluate, revise, or establish a comprehensive crisis management plan appropriate for their college or university....
The purpose of this book is to make it easier for anyone interested in acquiring a windpump to make the right choice and to take into account all the factors involved, both technical and contextual....
Previous ed.: 1993....