JK 616.07 Num copies: 001....
At head of title: Cabinet Office (Office of Public Service and Science)....
Produk penerjemahan cerita anak tahun 2021...
The invitation to serve as Minister of Education and lead a bold and significant reform of an education system never comes with an instruction manual. Leading such an opportunity effectively, requires...
Dalam situasi serba tidak pasti generasi milenial harus berhadapan langsung dengan ekspansi ideologi islamis (Islamisme) yang datang menawarkan harapan dan mimpi tentang perubahan...
Teak at Mala Ayer Forest Reserve Plantations, Perlis, Malaysia. Tapering trunks reach for the sky in a crown of sparse verdure rejoicing in the morning sun....
How to Teach Pronounciation is a guide to the theory of pronounciation and to the practical skills required in its teaching. This book is appropriate tor teachers of English at an early stage in their...
Daftar isi Jurnal Aksara: 1. Tembang Sandur Bojonegoro: Kekerasan BUdaya dan Arkeologi-Genealogi Pengetahuan 2. Motif Kargoisme dalanm Cerita Rakyat Fakfak: Sebuah Pendekatan Antropologi Sastra 3. ...
Judul artikel: Echos de la Recherche = Gema Penelitian 1. Singapura before Raffles : Archaelogy and the Seas 2. ICAS 11th, Leiden, The Netherlands 3. The International Intensive Course in Old Jav...
Daftar Isi -Masalah dan Kebijakan Pendidikan Islam di Era Otonomi Daerah -Wacana Pendidikan Islami dalam Era Globalisasi -Eksistensi Kitab Kuning Dalam Pemikiran Keislaman -Prinsip-prinsip Pemb...
"Cambridge Examinations Publishing"- at head of cover title...
Buku ini dilengkapi CD pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran tematik...
An Introduction to Distance Education is a comprehensive look at the field of distance education, outlining current theories, practices, and goals that are essential to effective design, delivery, and...
Helping Parents Navigate the Early Childhood Education Enrollment Process: Experimental Evidence From New Orleans Lindsay Weixler, Jon Valant, Daphna Bassok, Justin B. Doromal, Alica Gerry School...
The study examines the fiction of Black Women’s Renaissance. It focuses on the novels of the 1980s, which appreciated “culture-bearing” mothers as reproducers of the nation, to analyze the vexed...
Analyzing the confluence between coloniality and activist art, Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future argues that there is much to gain from approaching contemporary politically committed art practic...
Daftar isi Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 3 nomor 3, Desember 2021 antara lain 1. Overexpression of Ga Gene Increases Growth and Hyposaline Tolerance in Kappaphycu...