Includes bibliographical references At foot of t.p.: ECRE, Danish Refugee Council, The Danish Centre for HumanRights...
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Includes bibliographical reference and indexPrevious ed.: published as by Bill Coxall and Lynton Robins. Basingstoke:Macmillan, 1998...
A collection of 12 research papers by British and Australian womenscholarsIncludes bibliographical references and index...
JK 940.5477941 Num copies: 001....
A guide for parents on using books and libraries with children under five....
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Leading the creative economy: Empowering creative industries as a source of Indonesian soft power I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia 11 Strategi pengembangan kepemi...
Editorial Journal of education policy – 1985–2020 Stephen J. Ball Article Apocalyptic public health: exploring discourses of fatness in childhood ‘obesity’ policy Sarah Gillborn, Bridgett...
Daftar Isi: 1. Showing Explicit Presence in English Research Articels: Variation Across Indonesian And British Authors 2. Vitalitas Bahasa Sunda di Kabupaten Kuningan 3. Analisis Wacana Krtis Mo...
Metalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa daftar isi antaralain:: 1. Showing Explicit Presence In English Research Articles: Variation Across Indonesian And British Authors (Menampilkan Kehadiran Eksplisit...
Video Collection....
This new book has attempted to provide, within a concise and accessible volume, a compendium of essential facts and figures on recent British history....
SEA-TCF ini akan berfungsi sebagai panduan bagi para guru di Asia Tenggara untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka untuk mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi semua siswa di Asia Tenggara...