Artificial intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the internet, or even electricity. It’s bound to change education. (It already has.) But how? AI for Educators is a readable ...
Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research, 2nd Edition, is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and adm...
This book is about addressing the college-choosing problem. The rankings, metrics, analytics, college visits, and advice that we use today to help us make these decisions are out of step with the prog...
Solidly grounded in theory and research, but concise and practice-oriented, Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice is perfect for master’s-level students and practitioners alike. Sharan Merriam...
Leading a learning community is a challenging endeavor that rewards those who build social-emotional and adaptive leadership competencies. In The Noble School Leader, veteran school leader and leaders...
Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning—if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cogniti...
The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. Th...
Stephen D. Brookfield....
Characteristics and Conditions for Innovative Teachers: International Perspectives is a must-read for all those with an interest in teacher education and in enabling teacher innovation. It provides a ...
Kajian struktural genetik lucien goldmann dalam novel dian yang tak kunjung padam karya sutan takdir alisjahbana (budi agung sudarmanto) Wawacan raden abdullah, cerita pendek kotala dam kelengkapan t...
Buku ini menceritakan tentang makna dan ajaran hukum Relief Karmawibhangga dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat...
Pendekatan statistik dalam aplikasi keuangan masih merupakan topik yang menarik untuk didalami. Buku ini membahas topic statistik dengan menggunakan tahapan perhitungan statistik dan penggunaan contoh...
Buku Benteng Van Den Bosch: dalam lintas sejarah merupakan salah satu usaha Balar DIY dalam mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian. dalam buku ini berisi informasi terkait dengana keberadaan benteng d...