Buku Uniknya Bahasa Jawaku bercerita tentang tokoh Rizki yang telah mempelajari macam-macam bahasa Jawa di lingkungan sekitarnya. Disini diceritakan bahwa tokoh Rizki semakin tertarik mempelajari keka...
The Fighter adalah drama yang menceritakan seorang petinju dari Irlandia bernama Micky Ward dalam perjalananannya menuju ke gelar juara dunia kelas welterweight dan pelatih sekaligus kakaknya, Dick Ek...
Samudra Hindia Selatan Jawa merupakan salah satu bagian dari wilayah perairan di Indonesia dengan kondisi perairan yang relatif subur. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh perairan tersebut mengarah ke perai...
Menceritakan tentang perjalanan sekelompok orang dalam beberapa suku yang berasal dari Papua New Guinea untuk mencari tempat tinggal, membangun kelompoknya dan berketurunan. Diceritakan juga bahwa sal...
Learning is no longer an activity or luxury that only occurs at specific stages in your life or career. With the digital revolution, learning has become immediate, real-time, and relevant whether youâ...
A learning culture is essential to outperform the competition but how can Learning and Development (L&D) professionals achieve this? What habits do they need to develop in their workforce? Learning...
Neuroscience for Learning and Development provides L&D professionals the tools and ideas to design and deliver effective initiatives with knowledge of how our brains process information. Using the ...
Collaborative Learning explains how to leverage the knowledge and experience of existing employees to upskill your entire workforce from within. This practical guide explains the basics of collabor...
How People Learnprovides L&D professionals a new way of thinking about learning by exploring what happens when we learn. It shows how to apply insights from neuroscience, human behaviour and artificia...
Don Kirkpatrick's groundbreaking Four Levels of Training Evaluation is the most widely used training evaluation model in the world. Ask any group of trainers whether they rely on the model's four leve...
Stephen D. Brookfield....
Daftar Isi: 1. Menggali Informasi dari Koleksi Molar Bovidae dan Cervidae dari Sangiran untuk Memahami Habitat Homo Erectus 2. Identifikasi Fosil Lobster Lumpur Thalassina Anomala Palsu dari Situs S...
Buku ini menceritakan pengalaman Ratih D. Adiputri, penulis Sistem Pendidikan Finlandia, ketika kuliah Pendidikan Guru Profesional di di Sekolah Pendidikan Guru, Universitas Ilmu Terapan Jyväskylä, ...
Includes index....
Improving Schools with Blended Learning is specifically designed to address the important issues needed to successfully modernise education within the context of technological change. It does this by ...