Frontier Tibet addresses a historical sequence that sealed the future of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. It considers how starting in the late nineteenth century imperial formations and emerging nation-...
"Anarchism and religion have historically had an uneasy relationship. Indeed, representatives of both sides have regularly insisted on the fundamental incompatibility of anarchist and religious ideas ...
Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity emerges from, and speaks to, recent sociological considerations of ‘transgender.’ The term ‘transgender’ denotes a range o...
Coffeeshops are the most famous example of Dutch tolerance. But in fact, these cannabis distributors are highly regulated. Coffeeshops are permitted to break the law, but not the rules. On the premise...
This open access book is the culmination of many years of research on what happened to the bodies of executed criminals in the past. Focusing on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it looks at th...
Built in the 1890s at the center of the nation, Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary was designed specifically to be a replica of the US Capitol Building. But why? The Prison of Democracy explains the pol...
This book explores how predictive policing transforms police work. Police departments around the world have started to use data-driven applications to produce crime forecasts and intervene into the fu...
penggunaan menthol ntuk bahan konsolidan 3-11 cagar budaya arang bahan konservasi tradisional menurut tinjauan naskah kuno ka ga nga ...
Daftar isi: 1. Gatra wayang purwa 'Kyai jimat' gaya pakualaman dan interelasi dalam ilustrasi naskah koleksi pakualaman 2. Surat pengunduran diri Sultan Sepuh VII Cirebon: suatu kajian filologis ...
Buku ini menelusuri kembali konstruksi dialogis dari apa yang oleh para intelektual Bali disebut sebagai “kebalian”, yang mereka anggap sebagai pohon, yang akarnya adalah agama, batangnya adalah a...
Dongeng merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dengan dunia anak yang ceria. Melalui dongeng. anak-anak mendapatkan kegembiraan. Juga pemahaman tentang dunia. Dongeng juga dapat mengembangkan kemam pua...
Includes bibliographical references and index.;...
Includes bibliographical references and index.; Plus Property tables booklet ...
Around 1880, two young British officers arrive to join a regiment in India. One, Lieutenant Drake (Michael York), from a middle-class background, is extremely eager to fit in while the other, Lieutena...
This book contains mainly the report of activities of SEASPF from 2007 until 2009. It also presented the historical review, organizational matters, objectives, as well as the scope of activities. SEAS...
Masalah pelanggaran HAM, adalah persoalan yang lebih bernuansa politik, karean melibatkan negara dan partai politik. Disusul dngan G 30 S/PKI yang kemudian mengubah peta perpolitikan di Indonesia, den...
Massifnya interaksi dan komunikasi digital antara warga telah menciptakan kesan dualisme antara dunia nyata dan dunia maya, sehingga sulit mengenali dengan baik batas-batas yang tegas antara wacana di...
Terbukti telah mengubah cara orang melihat dunia dan kesuksesan hidup di berbagai belahan dunia, Mindset bertengger jadi topseller di sejak 13 tahun lalu hingga sekarang Paparan tentang kes...