Desa Sima merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Moga, Kabupaten Pemalang. Saat ini, Desa Sima dipimpin oleh kepala desa bernama Bapak Arif Naf’an Lubis yang dibantu oleh sekretarisnya y...
Don Kirkpatrick's groundbreaking Four Levels of Training Evaluation is the most widely used training evaluation model in the world. Ask any group of trainers whether they rely on the model's four leve...
With answers key With resource bank...
Educational Neuroscience: The Basics is an engaging introduction to this emerging, interdisciplinary field. It explains how the brain works and its priorities for learning, and shows how educational n...
Reading Success in the Early Primary Years is a step-by-step guide to structured literacy instruction for teachers working in the early years of primary school. Written by a teacher, for teachers, thi...
Are you an academic who struggles to know what to post on social media and how to disseminate your research effectively on different social media platforms? Social media serves as a powerful commun...
Inclusive College Classrooms provides instructors with research-based practices and tools to create an effective and inclusive classroom environment. Filling a visible gap in pedagogical training, thi...
This book brings together a unique collection of chapters to facilitate a broad discussion on food education that will stimulate readers to think about key policies, recent research, curriculum positi...
1st Edition Teach from Your Best Self A Teacher’s Guide to Thriving in the Classroom By Jay Schroder Copyright 2024 Paperback £18.39 Hardback £108.00 eBook £18.39 ISBN 9781032416878 ...
Riset kualitatif adalah cara untuk mengungkap makna atau cerita dari sebuah fenomena. Banyak riset kualitatif yang dipertanyakan mulai dari subjektivitas, keabsahan hingga hasilnya apakah bisa digener...
Dalam manajemen sudah menjadi suatu keharusan untuk menjadikan penjaminan mutu sebagai tonggak (milestone) dari suatu pengembangan. Pernyataan tersebut benar, apabila pengembangan merupakan perubahan ...
Buku Genre Bahasa Media ini merupakan bagian dari ikhtiar mengukuhkan pentingnya kajian lintas disipliner dalam bidang linguistik dan komunikasi. Bahasa dan media menjadi kajian penting yang harus dip...
“Big data” menjadi salah satu terminologi yang sering kita dengar atau baca dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Penelitian dengan memanfaatkan big social data mendapat pengaruh dari era komputasi (comp...
Improving Schools with Blended Learning is specifically designed to address the important issues needed to successfully modernise education within the context of technological change. It does this by ...
System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Windows and Macintosh.; Includes bibliographical references and index.;...
JK 617.3 Num copies: 001....
This new book has attempted to provide, within a concise and accessible volume, a compendium of essential facts and figures on recent British history....