Kamidjan Naskah Samud Ibnu Salam sebuah sastra Keagamaan Suroto Rosyd Setyanto Tata cara bertani abad XIX masehi dalam naskah Wulang Tani berbahasa Jawa karya pujanggan besar tatar Sunda Raden Haji...
Editorial 432 Core teaching practices: addressing both social justice and academic subject matter Gail Richmond [at all] Articles 435 Implementing instructional practices to improve American India...
1. Pengaruh Model Pengajaran Induktif Kata Bergambar terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman (Jolanda Tomasouw) 2. Model Pembelajaran Jejaring Sosial pada Pelaj...
Peter N. Peregrine....
Joy Carroll & Genea N. Alexander....
Editorial : 1. A Forum for the Science Education Community's Continual Self-Renewal ( Sherry A. Southerland and John Settlage ) Research Articles : 1. Development of an Empirically Based Learning ...
Editor's Corner : Desk-Rejects: 10 Top Tips to Avoid the Cull Jon Billsberry Research Articles : Creating Masterpieces : How Course Structures and Routines Enable Student Performance Kathy Lund De...
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