1. Writing weekly interesting experience in english to improve writing ability by the students of english study program dayanu ikhsanuddin university baubau 2. Penerapan metode kooperatif the two sta...
1. Membaca visual bendera parpol 2. Seni dan keindahan 3. Sejauh-jauh guru terbang, jatuhnya kekurikulum juga 4. Pergulatan antara mengajar dan menginspirasi 5. Inspirasi bagi guru seni budaya...
Includes indexThis guide to how economic policy is made in modern Britain is designed tohelp the reader understand how the policy process works: who the key actorsare, the links between theory and pra...
Includes index....
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Includes index.Previous ed.: 1985Includes indexHITAM...
JK 428.73 Num copies: 004.PI...
Bibliography: p329-349. - Includes index....
Includes index.C...
Cambridge First Certificate....