Includes indexSummary: A revised and updated edition of this comprehensive guide tobusiness correspondence, for anyone dealing with commercial correspondencefrom clerical to management levelfor ELT ge...
CONTENTS: Articles The Affectiveness of Symbols: Materiality, Magicality, and the Limits of Antisemiotic Turn 1 Entropic Cities: The Paradox of Urbanism in Ancient Mesopotamia 23 The Pu...
Binsar A. Hutabarat Kebijakan pendidikan di Indonesia: evaluasi terhadap rumusan kebijakan kurikulum bidang Pendidikan Tinggi Amin Mudzakkir Kembalinya tradisi: rasionalitas dan etika komunitarian ...
Pendekatan nilai dalam pemberantasan pungutan liar: kajian filsafat strategi Saifur Rohman Memberantas budaya korupsi dan pungli dengan kekuatan melalui keyakinan: strength through fait-falsafah dan...
challenges for elt from the expansion in teaching children music and modegreens: extracting meaning from noise...
writing instruction for esl graduate students: examining issues and raising questions...
constructing rating scales for second language tests the backwash effect: from testing to teaching...
111. The concept of 'world english' and its implications for ELF 118. 'That why i do it 129. Teachers' ways of knowing 137. Using ;on the contrary' 145. Tape it yourself 155. Wearing two pairs of...
101. Teaching grammar in context 110. Skills and strategies 119. Which pronunciation norms and models for english as an international language? 127. Teaching language testing on a pre-service TEFL...
179. Teacher talk and the classroom context 197. Unplanned classroom language and teacher training 197. A cognitive semantic approach to teaching prepositions 205. Self-development through classroo...
311. A participant-centred appropach to INSERT course design 319. Designing evaluation into educational change processes 328. The relationship between culture and language 335. A vygotskian approac...
99. An investigation of the structure of group activites in ELT coursebooks 108. Content-based second language instruction at the tertiary level 115. Modelling oral presentations 127. Reader-respon...