JK 823.7 Num copies: 001....
As the cornerstone of society, culture must lie at the heart of sustainable policies and strategies. Yet, despite its vital importance, key questions such as: 'How has culture influenced urban develop...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Leading the creative economy: Empowering creative industries as a source of Indonesian soft power I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia 11 Strategi pengembangan kepemi...
Study tasks in English is intended to enable non-native speakers of English, of intermediate level and upwards, to acquire the skills needed for English-medium higher education study. To use this book...
Buku ini disusun dengan hasil yang diharapkan yaitu pertama, dapat menjadi data, sumber referensi, dan informasi tentang keberadaan tokoh sastra dan karya sastra daerah, baik sastra tradisional maupun...
Buku Sikap Bahasa Masyarakat Sulawesi Tenggara ini diterbitkan dengan tujuan untuk mendokumentasikan hasil-hasil penelitian sikap bahasa yang telah dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun. Selain itu, buk...
A female pirate and her companion race against their rivals to find a hidden island that contains a fabulous treasure....