JKR 428.21 Num copies: 001. Relay two is for elemantary and early intermediate learners. The Student's Book consists of 20 self-contained units, earch divided into four single page lessons on differe...
A guide for parents on using books and libraries with children under five....
Dual layer (bolak-balik) DVD. tiap sisi berisi konten yang sama...
JK 344.04465 Num copies: 001....
Includes bibliographical references (p. 467-474) and index.;...
The Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy is a comprehensive account of the results of our physical and intellectual exploration of the Universe. The 1980s is an exciting period for space exploration: the earl...
Daftar isi: 1.Fiber Disruption of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) by Combined Fungal And Microwave Pretreatment 2. Effect of Substrate Moisture and Invasite Grass Compatition of Native Fig (Ficu...
ketut wiradnyana perkembangan religi prasejarah: tradisi masyarakat gayo restu ambar rahayuningsih pola makan masyarakat pendukung budaya megalitik besoa, kabupaten poso, sulawesi tengah t...
Sistem informasi arkeologi: pangkalan data berbasis daring untuk perekaman data artefak tembikar dan keramik di kawasan percandian muara jambi (dian sulistyowati) Ragam hias ular-naga ditempat sakral...
yosua adrian pasaribu dan r. cecep eka permana binatang totem pada seni cadas prasejarah di sulawesi selatan ashwin prayudi dan rusyad adi suriyanto osteobiografi individu nomor 38 dari situs ...
JK 823.7 Num copies: 001....