The Big Book of Inventions presents the fascinating facts behind many major inventions and discoveries in a fun and interesting way. The information given shows how these changes have improved people'...
The purpose of this book is to make it easier for anyone interested in acquiring a windpump to make the right choice and to take into account all the factors involved, both technical and contextual....
Explaining clearly and concisely the technique of place-name study, this book, as for both the serious local historian and anyone with a passing interest in the subject. One thing is certain, you will...
Essential Manager's Manual is a comprehensive guide to the most important areas of business life, covering interpersonal and professional skill vital to those who hold, or seek to hold, management pos...
Buku ini berisi sepuluh artikel hasil penelitian para guru dalam praktik pengajaran bahasa berorientasi HOTS (higher order thinking skills). Dalam penyajiannya, kesepuluh artikel tersebut dibagi menja...
Originally published: New York : Atheneum, 1974 ; London : Gollancz, 1975For adolescents...
Summary: One of a series of simplified educational editions written forlearners of English as a foreign languagefor 7-9 reading age range for ELT beginner readership...
Buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari buku berjudul Get a Grip on Astronomy yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1999. Buku ini berisi penjelasan mengenai labirin teori-teori relatif dan umum....
This book is for students embarking on extended study or research project as part of their science A level, GVNQ or degree course. It contains practical advice on the appropriate use of statistics and...
Includes index....
Buku ini berisi panduan bagaimana cara merencanakan kehamilan menjalani proses kehamilan, dan menjalani hari-hari paska kelahiran. buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai tip yang bermanfaat bagi tum...
This clearly written and fully illustrated guide provides the means to identify over 160 rocks and minerals found throughout the world. The comprehensive introduction provides a steo-by-step guide to ...
1. Bentuk penolakan dalam tuturan bahasa Bugis berdasarkan hubungan variabel 2. Afiksasi unik dalam bahasa Bajo di Sumbawa : refleksi terhadap budayanya 3. Brain specialization and language 4. Med...
1. Strategi Digital untuk Meningkatkan Pemanfaatan e-Journal: perspektif pustakawan dan perpustakaan (Arif Nurohman) 2. Aplikasi e-DDC Edition 22 sebagai Alternatif untuk Menentukan Nomor Klasifikasi...
1. Analisis dan Desain E-Learning Diklat Teknis Pengelolaan Perpustakaan menggunakan Standar Learning Technology System Architecture (Ieee P1484.1) (Sri Palupi, Meuthia Rachmaniah, dan Abdul Rahman Sa...
Includes bibliographical references....
Includes indexThis guide to how economic policy is made in modern Britain is designed tohelp the reader understand how the policy process works: who the key actorsare, the links between theory and pra...
Volume II: practice manual...