1. Evaluasi Usability Situs Web Perpustakaan (Purwani Istiana) 2. Peningkatan Kemampuan Information Literate sebagai Basis Pengembangan Menyeluruh Perpustakaan Masa Depan dalam Globalisasi Informasi ...
Includes indexThis guide to how economic policy is made in modern Britain is designed tohelp the reader understand how the policy process works: who the key actorsare, the links between theory and pra...
Volume II: practice manual...
Perpustakaan digital saat ini merupakan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat terutama pada masa pandemi dimana ruang gerak masyarakat terbatas. Buku ini sangat membantu staf perpustakaan atau p...
Previous ed.: Walton-on-Thames: Nelson, 1993Author, Sue OConnellThis is a collection of five complete practice tests with additional support, thoroughly revised in line with the modified exam. Test on...
Includes index.; ©2015 Kompas Media Nusantara.;...
science learning in everyday life 517/focus on ... equity and out of school learning what science and for whom? an introduction to our focus on equity and out-of-school learning leslie rupert he...
Studying Figurines (joyce marcus) "Every Tradesman Must Also be a Merchant" : Behavioral ecology and household - level production for better and trade in premodern economies (Kathryn demps, bruce win...
Contents: a portrait of the British monarch to mark the 40th anniversary ofher reign....