JKR 428.21 Num copies: 001. Relay two is for elemantary and early intermediate learners. The Student's Book consists of 20 self-contained units, earch divided into four single page lessons on differe...
Daftar isi Jurnal Aksara: 1. Tembang Sandur Bojonegoro: Kekerasan BUdaya dan Arkeologi-Genealogi Pengetahuan 2. Motif Kargoisme dalanm Cerita Rakyat Fakfak: Sebuah Pendekatan Antropologi Sastra 3. ...
Buku ini bercerita tentang Bari, seorang bocah sepuluh tahun. Ia ingin membebaskan keluarganya dari kesedihan dengan cara bertemu dengan legenda manusia bulan dan meminta mereka di bawa sampai ke bula...
This cookbook has collected 120 recipes from around the world, using a variety of ingredients and cooking methods. All of the recipes are easy to follow, with step-by-step instructions and full-colour...
Menceritakan tentang seorang pebisnis yang didatangi oleh hantu masa lalunya. Ebenezer tokoh dalam cerita ini di sadarkan akan karakternya yang kikir sehingga ia bertobat dan berubah tidak menjadi ki...
When in Britain is a task-based providing a variety of communicative ativities for students who have already studied English for two or more years. its aim is to improve communicative skills, in parti...
The Silver Sword is a children's novel written by Ian Serraillier and published in the United Kingdom by Jonathan Cape in 1956 and then by Puffin Books in 1960. It has also been published in the Unite...
Includes index....
Buku ini dibuat untuk mengajarkan anak menulis dengan rapi dan mengasah kreativitas anak....
This book tell abaout story of the tree who loved a boy. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk... and the tree was happy. But as...
Buku ini berisi cerita bergambar binatang yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan budi pekerti....