Penelitian tentang Pola Keruangan Okupasi Manusia di Situs-Situs Kala Plestosen-Holasen sudah dilaksanakan di dua kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Gunungkidul (tahun 2016) dan Kabupaten Pacitan (tahun 2019)...
Penelitian tentang "Pedagang dan Gerakan Perlawanan Terhadap Kolonial Belanda Pada Masa Perang Banjar (1859-1905)" merupakan salah satu usaha dalam rangka mengungkapkan dan memperkenalkan peristiwa se...
Buku Penelitian Ilmiah Arkeologi jilid 5 ini memuat 10 makalah dalam topik Arsitektur dalam kajian arkeologi. Makalah-makalah tersebut membicarakan tentang arsitektur bangunan keagamaan, bangunan huni...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning, encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...
This book provides a significant contribution to the increasing conversation concerning the place of big data in education. Offering a multidisciplinary approach with a diversity of perspectives from ...
Summary 1 (Dwi Yani Yuniawati) The Waruga of North Sulawesi and the kalamba of Central Sulawesi are me galithic remains with specific characteristics that differ from other megalithic ob jects in I...
Most questions commonly asked about international politics are ethical ones, Should the international community intervene in Bosnia What do we owe the starving in Somalia? What should be done about th...
Through data-based theory development, this book examines the process through which life change happens based on profiles of five participants in an adult literacy education programme. The authors exp...
Keputusan Deputi I LKPP Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 tentang standar Dokumen Pemilihan Melalui tender, seleksi, dan tender cepat untuk pengadaan barang/jasa lainnya/jasa konsultasi....
This book seeks to help understand how governments can be encouraged to perform better and how state capabilities can be developed in ways that allow markets and democracies to flourish. The contribut...
Bali The Journey in Heaven on Earth is a collection of poems that conveys messages of hope, love and admiration for the island of Bali. This compilation is filled with poems that carry profound meanin...
Wong Pinter delineates significant connectivity between Javanese shamanism and Asian or Southeast Asian shamanism. It also describes various aspect of shamanism practices in Java and assesses the sust...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...