This document contains provisions relating to attainment targets and progammes of study in technology and is prepared by the Secretaries of State for Education Science and for Wales in anticipation of...
This Document contains provisions relating to attainment targets and programmes of study in science...
A century ago, the sound of Javanese gamelan orchestra made a deep and lasting Impression upon the young Debussy, and many composers after him, Including Ravel, Messiaen, and Britten, have found inspi...
This publication describes housing in Britain, looking both at owner-occupied and rented housing. The work of housing associations is covered, as are government measures to improve the condition and m...
This book is an invalueable resource for any company or organisation engaged in internasional trade....
AA explorer Britain reveals the rich variety, history and tradition to be discovered in Great Britain, including history and culture; wildlife and environment; where to go and what to see; practical i...
Buku ini mencoba memotret capaian akademisi perguruan tinggi di masa pandemi di dalam bidang riset dan inovasi....
Buku ini merupakan rekaman pengalaman, pemikiran, dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh beberapa dosen dengan bahasa dan gaya bercerita masing-masing. Tujuan dokumentasi pengalaman ini adalah untuk memberi...
Buku ini berisi antara lain program RECON (Relawan Covid Nasional), perguruan tinggi di garis depan menghadapi Covid-19, bantuan perguruan tinggi kepada mahasiswa, KKN di Masa Pandemi, bersama masyara...
Buku ini mengulas secara teoritis dan praktis cara guru menerapkan pembelajaran tematik integratif. Secara langsung guru dapat mengadopsi ilustrasi yang disajikan dalam buku. Buku ini terdiri ataas em...
The Big Book of Inventions presents the fascinating facts behind many major inventions and discoveries in a fun and interesting way. The information given shows how these changes have improved people'...
The purpose of this book is to make it easier for anyone interested in acquiring a windpump to make the right choice and to take into account all the factors involved, both technical and contextual....
Buku ini berupaya mengisahkan sejarah Indonesia pada masa pendudukan Jepang (1942-1945), suatu periode singkat tapi padat dengan peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang menjadi latar bagi peristiwa yang terj...
Explaining clearly and concisely the technique of place-name study, this book, as for both the serious local historian and anyone with a passing interest in the subject. One thing is certain, you will...
Essential Manager's Manual is a comprehensive guide to the most important areas of business life, covering interpersonal and professional skill vital to those who hold, or seek to hold, management pos...
Buku ini berisi sepuluh artikel hasil penelitian para guru dalam praktik pengajaran bahasa berorientasi HOTS (higher order thinking skills). Dalam penyajiannya, kesepuluh artikel tersebut dibagi menja...
buku ini membahas tentang konsep, pendekatan model, dan strategi pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. Serta implementasi pembelajaran berbasis HOTS dalam kurikulum 2013...
First published in series: 1996...
This book including: gives you more solved problems than any other guide; demonstrates the bestproblem-solving strategies; improves performence on exams; help cut study time; includes easy-to-read cro...