Buku ini merupakan produk kolaborasi antara INOVASI dan pusat standar dan kebijakan pendidikan (PSKP) Kementrian pendidikan, kebudayaan, riset, dan teknologi (KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK)...
Buku ini memuat uraian Ki Hadjar Dewantara sebagai penjelasan mengenai asas dan dasar Taman Siswa...
Wanita sering dipandang sebelah mata, lemah, dan hanya pantas me- ngerjakan urusan domestik. Padahal, dalam banyak hal, wanita bisa lebih kuat daripada laki-laki. Rupanya, sistem budayalah yang membua...
How People Learnprovides L&D professionals a new way of thinking about learning by exploring what happens when we learn. It shows how to apply insights from neuroscience, human behaviour and artificia...
This book provides critical commentary on key issues around virtual reality, using media technology as a tool to challenge perspectives for learning and understanding cultural diversities. With a f...
Bibiliography: p260.C...
JK 427.42 Num copies: 003....
A collection of 15 papers by researchers in the fieldIncludes bibliographical references and index...
While investigating a gold magnate's smuggling, James Bond uncovers a plot to contaminate the Fort Knox gold reserve....
Now with updated texts, photos, maps and charts, Britain Explored takes a comprehensive look at the landscape, institutions and daily life of Great Britain....
This is a controversial and thought-provoking work, resulting from a lifetime of detailed research, which challenges the very idea of 'England' and what it means to be English....
Includes index.C...
Globalization; Science education; Science curricula; Large scale international assessments; Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey; TIMSS; Policy borrowing; Curriculum reform; IEA Rese...