Feature Articles Did states use implementation discretion to reduce the stringency of NCLB? evidence from a database of state regulations Vivian C. Wong, Coady Wing, David Martin, and Anandita Kri...
Feature Articles Twelfth annual brown lecture in education research So that any child may succeed: indigenous pathways toward justice and the promise of brown Teresa L. McCarty The relationship...
Feature Articles Understanding the promise: a typology of state and local college promise programs Laura W. Perna and Elaine W. Leigh Sexual orientation and school discipline: new evidence from a p...
Feature Articles How much do test scores vary among school districts? new estimates using population data, 2009-2015 Erin M. Fahle and Sean F. Reardon Rethinking connections between research a...
The effects of the initial english language learner classification on students' later academic outcomes Nami Shin Experimental effects of program management approach on teachers' professional tie...
School improvement grants in ohio: effects on student achievement and school administration Deven Carlson and Stephane Lavertu The impacts of reading recovery at scale: results from the 4-year i...
The costs and consequences of excess credit hours policies Dennis A. Kramer II, Michael R. Holcomb, and Robert Kelchen Does remediation work for all students? how the effects of postsecondary rem...
Binsar A. Hutabarat Reformed Center for Religion and Society Ambiguitas diferensiasi agama dan negara di Indonesia H. Hans Panjaitan Reformed Center for Religion and Society Toleransi pasca ...
cyber arkeologi dalam komunikasi arkeologi kepada publik sebagai sarana pelestarian cagar budaya fauzan amril survey dan pemodelan 3D (tiga dimensi) untuk dokumentasi digital candi borobudur ...
Cyber arkeologi dalam komunikasi arkeologi kepada publik sebagai sarana pelestarian cagar budaya Fauzan Amril 3 - 9 Survei dan pemodelan 3D ( Tiga Dimensi ) untuk dokumentasi digital candi borobudur...
Anung Tedjowirawan Keteladanan kepemimpinan Kusumawicitra dari kerajaan Kadiri-Pengging berdasarkan serat Ajipamasa tahun 1862 M Hermansyah Naskah Tibayan fi Ma'rifat al-Adyan: interpretasi aliaran...
Agus Aris Munandar Kedudukan dan peran perempuan dalam masa Jawa kuno: era Majapahit Anung Tedjowirawan Dewi Rukmawati sebagai penasihat di dalam serat Pustakaraja Arsanti Wulandari dan M. Bagus F...