Article A categorisation of the terminological sources of student difficulties when learning chemistry Juan Quílez Impact of serious games on science learning achievement compared with more conven...
With audioscript and achievement test answer key....
achievement test answer key....
JKVID JUNIOR FICTI Num copies: 001....
Kisah perjalanan keluarga dengan 3 orang anak laki-laki. Mereka mengunjungi Antartica - Semenanjung Pristin. Mereka mengunjungi Antartika bersama orang tua mereka yang merupakan peneliti populasi Pin...
Editorial : 1. Interconnections in economic development and the free-flow of information as drivers for libraries and the information professions ( Steve Witt ) Articles : 1. Celebrating libraries ...
EDITORIAL: 1. Structural reform in England: Emerging configurations of governance and leadership in the new ‘local’ (Tim Simkins, Philip Woods) ARTICLES: 1. Understanding the local: Themes and...
Can reading self-efficacy be modified? a meta-analysis of the impact of interventions on reading self-efficacy Norman J. Unrau, Robert Rueda, Elena Son, Joshua R. Polanin, Rebecca J. Lundeen and Ali...
in the spring of 1991 Steve Butler set off in his Morris Minnor van, Blodwen, on a charity drive from armadale on the north coast of scotland, heading for zennor, near Land's End. En route he visited...
Includes bibliographical references and index....