This Document contains provisions relating to attainment targets and programmes of study in science...
A century ago, the sound of Javanese gamelan orchestra made a deep and lasting Impression upon the young Debussy, and many composers after him, Including Ravel, Messiaen, and Britten, have found inspi...
Literary London is a very readable and entertaining Companion to English Literature as well as an invaluable source of information on London...
First-Time Europe is a planning guide, and is designed to help the first (or second, or third) time European traveler plan and complete a safe, rewarding, enjoyable, and affordable trip....
Now with updated texts, photos, maps and charts, Britain Explored takes a comprehensive look at the landscape, institutions and daily life of Great Britain....
This publication describes housing in Britain, looking both at owner-occupied and rented housing. The work of housing associations is covered, as are government measures to improve the condition and m...
This book is the distillation of many year's research into the extensive arcane literature. It is a reference work to goide readers through the labyrinth of pre-Newtonian science and philosophy. The d...
AA explorer Britain reveals the rich variety, history and tradition to be discovered in Great Britain, including history and culture; wildlife and environment; where to go and what to see; practical i...
Buku ini memiliki relevansi di tengah situasi yang seperti itu. Dakwah dalam buku ini sudah harus berarti pemberdayaan masyarakat, atau pengembangan masyarakat. Pemberdayaan berarti memberdayakan, men...
By 1986 the World Heritage Convention had recognized 247 sites as outstanding examples of their kind...
This is a controversial and thought-provoking work, resulting from a lifetime of detailed research, which challenges the very idea of 'England' and what it means to be English....
Scotland's Stone of Destiny begins by considering the various name by which the Stone has been known and teh prophecy from which its most widely-used name is derived....