Buku ini membahas secara mendasar tentang gerak dan manusia, proses terjadinya gerak dan bagaimana mengajarkan dan melatih keterampilan gerak atau keterampilan motorik serta persoalan apa yang dihadap...
Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia telah dimulai sejak masuknya Islam ke Nusantara. Pendidikan awal dalam bentuk pergaulan antara mubaligh/pendidik dan masyarakat sekitar. Setelah masyarakat Muslim terbent...
Buku ini menyajikan berbagai tonggak sejarah revolusi olahraga di Indonesia mulai dari PON I tahun 1948 di Solo, sampai penyelenggaraan Asian Games di Indonesia tahun 2018. Dengan pedekatan analisis-s...
World Education Forum adalah suatu badan yang terdiri dari organisasi-organisasi besar di dunia seperti UNESCO, UNICEP, UNDP dan beberapa kementerian pendidikan. Dalam pertemuan tahun 2015 di Incheon,...
This unique books records the development of the Indonesian Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry from its birth to its present dynamic state. It is the story of cooperation within a large group of ski...
regulasi baru dibidang penyiaran telah meniupkan angin segar bagi para pelaku bisnis di bidang penyiaran, ditandai dengan maraknya kemunculan berbagai bentu media penyiaran di berbagai daerah....
1. Writing weekly interesting experience in english to improve writing ability by the students of english study program dayanu ikhsanuddin university baubau 2. Penerapan metode kooperatif the two sta...
The State, Business and Education contributes to the ongoing debates surrounding the effects of public funding of private entities by examining the ways in which they affect the quality and equity of ...
Content 1. Cracking the code : the social mobility commission and education policy discourse joseph maslen 2.Wahat role of education for youth? discourse within the european union's structured dia...
editorial 663 articles neena mahadev economic of conversion and ontologies of religious difference: buddhism, christianity, and adversarial political perceptian in sri lanka with ca comment 6...
promoting learner autonomy through the curriculum: principles for designing language courses skills with EAP classes 109 (Sara Cotterall) Modelling and cognitive apprenticeship in teacher education 1...
training teachers to ask questions 99 (Geoff Thompson) Helping teachers to cope with large classes 106 (David Hayes) Raising the pedagogic status of discourse intonation teaching 117 (Charles Clenne...
contents 1. the state of e-legal deposit in france: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future (Peter Stirling, Gildas Illien, Pascal Sanz and sh...
feature articles california dream: the impact of financial aid for undocumented community college students 5 Federick Ngo and Samantha Astudillo talking our way around expert caution: a rheto...
Special section on "case studies : Arkeological Approaches to Holoncene"; Guest Adited by Kenneth Barnett Tankersley 298. An introduction to archeological approaches to Holocene economies 299. The s...
The mission of the Journal of Teacher Education, the flagship journal of AACTE, is to serve as a research forum for a diverse group of scholars who are invested in the preparation and continued suppor...