Before the nightmares began, Yeong-hye and her husband lived an ordinary, controlled life. But the dreams--invasive images of blood and brutality--torture her, driving Yeong-hye to purge her mind and ...
Berisi 16 karya Anton Chekhov. Yang terdaftar dalam buku termasuk Lady with the Lapdog (Dama s sobachkoy) yang diterbitkan tahun 1899. Secara lengkap 16 cerpen yang ada dalam buku ini adalah Bet, The...
Tema puisi Jawa dalam buku ini kebanyakan tentang asmara, ditandai dengan munculnya topik janji setia, kerinduan, perasaan kehilangan, kekecewaan, penyesalan, kebahagiaan, kesepian, kesendirian, dan s...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 1167-1169).;...
Menceritakan tokoh-tokoh kaum Padri yang terlibat dalam konflik dengan kaum Adat. Kaum Padri ingin menerapkan syariat Islam dalam segala aspek kehidupan di Sumatera Barat sedangkan kaum adat tidak be...
Study tasks in English is intended to enable non-native speakers of English, of intermediate level and upwards, to acquire the skills needed for English-medium higher education study. To use this book...
Secara geografis, wilayah Desa Mejagong dibatasi oleh beberapa wilayah sekitarnya, yakni sebelah Utara yang berbatasan dengan Desa Gembyang di Kecamatan Randudongkal, sebelah Timur berbatasan dengan D...
Dari segi geografis, Gapura memiliki wilayah seluas 107,8 ha, terbagi menjadi tanah sawah seluas 23,6 ha dan tanah darat seluas 84,2 ha. Secara astronomi, Desa Gapura terletak pada rentang koordinat 1...
Jamu telah ditetapkan menjadi Warisan Budaya Takbenda (WDTb) Indoensia pada tahun 2019. Dengan ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Budaya Takbenda Indoensia, maka menjadi tugas dari masyarakat pemilik karya bu...
Buku ini terdiri atas dua bagian. Bagian pertama mengambil sudut pandang seorang mahasiswa aktivis bernama Laut, menceritakan bagaimana Laut dan kawan-kawannya menyusun rencana, berpindah-pindah dalam...
Strongly grounded in research and rich with practical examples for educators, this book demonstrates the importance and benefits of kinaesthetic learning in young children’s learning and development...
Educational technology is now ubiquitous in schooling, both in P-12 and at universities. Despite the imposition of technology in most aspects of teaching and learning, little attention has been given ...
This book provides the basics of student self-assessment and implementation challenges, and it offers practical solutions and examples for navigating the use of student self-assessment in various subj...
This useful guide for students combines all the guidance, advice and key tips needed to write successful research reports, theses or dissertations, exploring, in detail, each of the elements involved ...
At The MTPT Project we know that teaching can be a sustainable career choice for parents, and in this essential handbook, we show you how. Supported by case studies celebrating the best that the fa...
This isn't your average teaching book. With a fun, comic-book-inspired layout, Teaching Is for Superheroes! skips the information overload and gives you practical action steps for igniting enthusiasm ...
Learning is no longer an activity or luxury that only occurs at specific stages in your life or career. With the digital revolution, learning has become immediate, real-time, and relevant whether youâ...
A learning culture is essential to outperform the competition but how can Learning and Development (L&D) professionals achieve this? What habits do they need to develop in their workforce? Learning...