The strategi assessment of Indonesia's higher education system and current policy is the first output of the newly established strategic Policy Working Group Within the Ministry of Education....
buku ini berisi tentang kemampuan berpikir tinggi (HOTS) sebagai jembatan untuk mengolah pengalaman dan menemukan pengalaman baru. Pembelajaran HOTS bukan sekadar konsep dan strategi dogmatis suci ya...
In this book Oran Young extends and generalizes his earlier work on international environmental regimes to present a comprehensive account of the current status and future prospects of regimen theory ...
Buku ini mendeskripsikan keterkaitan fundamental antara negara kesejahteraan dan demokrasi la juga berupaya memperjelas isu-isu keadilan mana saja yang mewarnai negara kesejahteraan serta menerangkan ...
Buku ini sebenarnya ditujukan kepada kelompok terbatas peserta "Akademie für Soziale Demokratie" (Akademi Sosial Demokrasi) sebagai bahan dasar yang penting Selain itu, buku ini juga bisa dimanfaatka...
The increasing pace and competitiveness of business make the need for communication all the more urgent. It is not surprising that presentations have become an essential tool for business communicatio...
Judul Asli: Tear of the Giraffe...
Old c/n: 0194216578....
Published in association with Penguin BooksSummary: One of a series of simplified educational editions written forlearners of English as a foreign languagefor ELT intermediate readership...
Link id: 145076 Old c/n: 0435271725...
Summary: This series of readers offers support to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and moderntitles, and fact and fiction. There are full colou...