The relevance of expertise to professional education and practice is explored in this collection of original contributions from educationalists, philosophers and psychologists. Discusses the increa...
Learning for the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a richly informed argument for curricular change to educate people towards achievement and success as intelligent machine systems proliferate. Descri...
JN.b m...
Yerusalem adalah kota universal, ibukota dua bangsa, dan tempat suci tiga agama. Kota warisan berbagai kekaisaran yang di masa kini menjadi medan perang bagi bentrokan peradaban ini dipercayai bakal j...
2 CD Disc one: volcano, atmosphere, ice Disc two: ocean, rare earth...
Repr. with correctionsIncludes index...
Editorial Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis Naomi Sykes , Matthew Spriggs & Allowen Evin Article Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinit...