Daftar Isi 1. Waprakeswara: Tempat Bersaji Pemeluk Agama Weda? 2. Rakai Panamkaran Syah Sanhara Sri Sangramadhananjaya 3. A Holy-Water Sanctuary at Prambanan 5. Citra Islam dalam Sastra Daerah Nus...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Teknologi Litik di situs Talimbue, Sulawesi Tenggara: teknologi berlanjut dari masa Pleistosen akhir hingga holosen (Suryatman, dkk) 2. The homo erectus site of Trinil: past, present a...
Sistem sapaan bahasa melayu bangka (feri pristawan) Alih kode pada tuturan siswa prasekolah: studi kasus tentang alih kode pada siswa ‘’gita montessori/islamic school’’ (nathalie eda zileta d...
Pronounciation Error Analysis of BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia for Foreign Speakers) (A Case Study at Khaoyoi Industrial and Community Education College of Petheabury Province, Thailand) Iskandar Syahputra...
1. Gaya bahasa dalam cerpen penari dari kutai karya seno gumira ajidarma (Yuniarti) 2. Membuat dan memainkan wayang karton sebagai media untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia siswa kela...
- Meningkatkan kemampuan apresiasi puisi dengan pendekatan kontekstual peserta didik kelas ix-c smp negeri 1 porong sidoarjo (khoirul fatihin) - Dongeng jawa sebagai pembentuk karakter anak (dewi pu...
1. Struktur fungsi sintakis kalimat inversi dalam bahasa Indonesia 2. Ceronang karya Eka Kurniawan: tema, penokohan, dan pemikiran baru 3. Fonologi dalam bahasa dayak ngaju 4. Realitas sosial bud...
struktur fungsi sintaktis kalimat inversi dalam bahasa indonesia caronoang karya eka kurniawan: tema, penokohan, dan pemikiran baru fonologi dalam bahasa dayak ngaju realitas sosial budaya...
1. Analisis Wacana Talk Show Program Mata Najwa "Lelakon Antasari Azhar" di Meto TV 2. Perbandingan Antara Register Guru dalam Komik Berbahasa Prancis dan Register Guru Bahasa Prancis di Indonesia 3...
analisis kesalahan pemakaian kata dan afiks pada berita utama dan surat pembaca skh kalteng pos edisi bulan januari-maret 2005 (Yuliadi) Berita-berita kriminal di harian Kalteng pos. Analisis wacana ...
- mengadopsi perbedaan individu sebagai strategy agar siswa lulus seratus persen pada ujian nasional di kelas 12 IPS 2 SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru. (Aswir Astaman) - Pendidikan berbasis karakter implemen...
-analisis hasil pendidikan latian profesi guru (PLPG) pada guru sekolah dasar (SD) untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru di provinsi Sulawesi Tengah -peran pembangunan pendidikan terhadap pertumbu...
- Bridging a collaborative learning in process writing through Weblog: An experiment for Indonesian learners -Learning social studies at primary schools: a multilevel analysis for research policies ...
-Attitude of school principals toward the implementation of e-learning in school -The role of computer-assisted language learning in teaching English as a foreign language -The influence of genre-ba...
-The strategy of nation's character education -The development of character education and its' implementation at educational unit in Indonesia -Developing a civilized nation's character -The develo...
For the past century and a half, extensive looting and illicit trafficking of Southeast Asia's cultural heritage have scattered art objects from the region to museums and private collections around th...
Judul Asli: Tear of the Giraffe...
International Express is a two-level general English course for working adults at pre-intermediate and intermediate level. It has been designed to meet the practical language needs of professional adu...
"Longman English Works" is a short, general course designed to take adult beginners to pre-intermediate level. Consisting of 16 four-page units, it is intended to be of use to those wanting rapid resu...
"Longman English Works" is a short, general course designed to take adult beginners to pre-intermediate level. Consisting of 16 four-page units, it is intended to be of use to those wanting rapid resu...
"Longman English Works" is a short, general course designed to take adult beginners to pre-intermediate level. Consisting of 16 four-page units, it is intended to be of use to those wanting rapid resu...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
Our students' success will be defined by their ability to read fluently and skilfully. But despite universal acceptance of reading's vital importance, the reading gap in our classroom remains, and it ...
Organizations constantly need to adapt themselves to stay aligned with an ever-changing and increasingly complex environment. Corporate Universities puts "smart learning" at the forefront, with strate...
This book explores recent trends in the knowledge-based society and education field in Asia-Pacific and discusses future challenges in the region. It presents studies on the development of scientific ...
The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders applies the wisdom and evidence of the Visible Learning research to understand what works best. Spanning topics from school climate at a distance, lea...
Contending that this ability to "earn" understanding will equip students to thrive in school, at work, and in life, the authors highlight seven higher-order thinking skills that facilitate students' a...