Pandemic Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the education system, pedagogical approaches, and educational ineq...
To remain relevant, management education must reflect the realities that influence its subject matter, management, while at the same time addressing societal needs and expectations. Faced by powerful ...
Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Throug...
This book examines the intersections between children, education and geography. With a particular focus on children’s geographies and geographies of education, the book draws upon cutting-edge resea...
From the moment the first corporate university (CU) was created and the term was coined, the central metaphor of university has proved a double-edged sword. The emphasis on university has been a drivi...
In the World Library of Educationalists series, international experts themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, sal...
Climate change is complex and there is a need to educate our future generations so that they are able to deal with the plethora of information and views that they come into contact with in their lives...
The Museums and Collections of Higher Education provides an analysis of the historic connections between materiality and higher education, developed through diverse examples of global practice. Out...
Improving Schools with Blended Learning is specifically designed to address the important issues needed to successfully modernise education within the context of technological change. It does this by ...
Previous ed.: 1993...
DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR REDAKSI ............................................................................................ iii UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH ....................................................
Daftar isi: 1. The Effect Of Storyboard Technique On Students Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text At The Tenth Grade Of SMAN 2 KS Cilegon 2. Fungsi Dan Makna Tradisi Lisan Cecangkriman Bagi Ma...
Includes index.; From the rise of Nazism to postwar efforts to establish the modern Jewish state -- The proclamation of the Jewish state and its upbuilding -- Seismic changes -- New realities -- Can I...
1. Studi efektivitas program akselerasi di SMU Surakarta Munawir Yusuf 2. Penyesuaian sosial siswa akselerasi ditinjau dari konsep diri dan membuka diri Tri Rejeki Andayani 3. Pengembangan model m...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Concepts of Wanua and Palili: the buginese political geography in confederation of Ajatappareng in South Sulawesi (Abd. Latif) 2. Imej Telur dan Ayam dalam Masyarakat Melayu Brunei: hu...
International Express is a two-level general English course for working adults at pre-intermediate and intermediate level. It has been designed to meet the practical language needs of professional adu...
JK 616.07 Num copies: 001....
At head of title: Cabinet Office (Office of Public Service and Science)....
Produk penerjemahan cerita anak tahun 2021...
The invitation to serve as Minister of Education and lead a bold and significant reform of an education system never comes with an instruction manual. Leading such an opportunity effectively, requires...
Dalam situasi serba tidak pasti generasi milenial harus berhadapan langsung dengan ekspansi ideologi islamis (Islamisme) yang datang menawarkan harapan dan mimpi tentang perubahan...
Teak at Mala Ayer Forest Reserve Plantations, Perlis, Malaysia. Tapering trunks reach for the sky in a crown of sparse verdure rejoicing in the morning sun....
How to Teach Pronounciation is a guide to the theory of pronounciation and to the practical skills required in its teaching. This book is appropriate tor teachers of English at an early stage in their...